
shuānɡ lián
  • Duplex;pair;double-connection
  1. 双联叶片泵与变量叶片泵的比较

    Comparison of Pair Vane Pump and Variable Vane Pump

  2. 马来西亚私立教育中的“特许课程”和3+0、2+1、1+2等“双联课程”的制定与实施,也是颇具特色的,事实证明其成果是十分显著的。

    In Malaysia 's private education , formulation and implementation of " licensing course " and " course of the pair " such as 3 + 0,2 + 1,1 + 2 ect . have much characteristics .

  3. 医用脚踏开关系列有单联和双联两种型号3个规格。

    Medical Pedal Switch has two models , such as single and duplex , and subdivides into 3 specs .

  4. 双联病毒是已知的唯一另一组植物DNA病毒。

    Geminiviruses are the only other group of plant DNA viruses known .

  5. 单型离心铸造机双联制动系统的配置及PLC控制

    Disposition and PLC Control of Dual-brake System in Single Mould Centrifugal Casting Machine

  6. X波段双联波导开关的设计

    Design of an X-band , twin-waveguide switch

  7. 采用高功率CO2激光器对汽车变速箱用双联齿轮进行焊接实验;

    The double-linked gears in automobile gear-box have been welded with high power CO 2 laser ;

  8. 用Al2O3/Tin双联沉积工艺改善铝合金在重载条件下的摩擦性能

    A Study on Al_2O_3 / TiN Duplex Coatings to Improve the Tribological Properties of Aluminum Alloy under Heavy Load-bearing Conditions

  9. 胶体金SPA双联抗体检测试纸条法诊断日本血吸虫病的初步研究

    Fast Colloidal Gold Labeled Protein-A Dipstick Immunoassay for Detection of Two Antibodies in Diagnosis of Schistosomiasis Japonica

  10. 对LF炉与中频炉双联冶炼高合金工艺实践进行了分析、研究。

    This paper analyzes the practice of technology of co-smelting high-alloy steel by the LF furnace and intermediate frequency furnace .

  11. 基于双联泵供油的CVT液压系统动态特性建模与仿真研究

    Study on Modeling and Simulation of Property of Continuously Variable Transmission Hydraulic System Dynamic Based on Double-bump

  12. 双联行星齿轮齿数相同时NN型少齿差传动的设计计算

    The Design Calculation of the NN Type Small Tooth Difference Transmission which Double External Gear Teeth Numbers are Taken Same

  13. 分析了CVT液压系统的流量特性,建立了双联泵流量控制动态模型。

    The flux control dynamic model of double-pump id built on the basis of analyzing CVT hydraulic system flux characteristic .

  14. 并进行了具体的分析,为寻求系统的优化控制参数、掌握双联VRV空调系统热力特性、优化设计双联VRV空调系统的综合奠定了基础。

    And the conclusion drawn provides guidelines for the designing of control system for VRV .

  15. 基于OMAP平台的嵌入式双联装导弹瞄准控制器设计

    Design for Dual Missile Aiming Controller Based on OMAP

  16. 培养基由DMEM、10%胎牛血清、1%双联抗生素配制。

    The culture medium was compounded by DMEM , 10 % fetal bovine serum and1 % double antibiotics .

  17. 舰上装备一门手动双联-37毫米AAA炮,二门手动双联-25毫米AAA炮和一个三联324毫米鱼雷发射器。

    The ship is armed with a manual dual-37mm AAA gun , two manual dual-25mm AAA guns , and a3-cell324mm torpedo launcher .

  18. 结果:A组的生活质量明显低于B组,而腹膜炎发生率则高于B组。结论:双联系统腹透能明显提高持续非卧床腹膜透析患者的生活质量。

    Result : The quality of life in group A was lower than that in group B , while the peritonitis rate was higher than that in group B.Conclusion : Twin-Bag system can improve the quality of life in CAPD patients .

  19. 计算表明,采用的双联泵功率匹配系统能有效提高CVT液压系统效率。

    From the simulation results , it is clear that the power matching system using double-pump can improve efficiency of the CVT hydraulic system greatly .

  20. 分析了DSK型双联离合器的使用和控制方式。

    Also analysed are the application and control modes of DSK type duplex clutches .

  21. 结论加强责任制护理,运用双联系统行CAPD能显著减少腹膜透析患者腹膜炎的发生。

    Conclusion : Strengthening the responsibility system nursing , and using the duplex system to run CAPD , can decrease the incidence rate of peritonitis greatly .

  22. 结果双联系统行CAPD,腹膜炎发生率仅为28.95%(11/38)。

    Results : By using the duplex system to run CAPD , the incidence rate of peritonitis is only 28.95 % ( 11 / 38 ) .

  23. 利用DSP,研制出集高速度、高精度和小型化于一体的基于DSP的双联装导弹瞄准系统的同步瞄准控制器,解决了系统高速度与小型化方面的矛盾。

    The contradiction between high speed and miniaturization of the system is settled by using DSP . The arming control ler of the arming control system of synchronous fitting missle based on DSP is developed which aggregates high speed , high precision and miniaturization .

  24. 目的:探索双联系统腹透对持续非卧床腹膜透析(CAPD)患者生活质量及腹膜炎发生率的影响。

    Objective : To explore the Influence of twin-bag system on the quality of life and the peritonitis rate in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis ( CAPD ) patients .

  25. 本文针对XSZY125型塑料注射成型机,分析了现行通用的双联泵供油液压系统耗能大的原因。

    The paper analyzes the reason for more power consumption of conven - tional dual vane pump system set in model XS ZY 125 plastic injection forming machines .

  26. 方法通过运用双联系统进行持续性不卧床腹膜透析(CAPD),并加强对38例CAPD患者的责任制护理,了解临床疗效、腹膜炎及堵管发生率。

    Methods : By using the duplex system to run CAPD , and strengthen the responsibility system nursing on 38 CAPD sufferers to find out the practical curative effect and the incidence rate of peritonitis .

  27. Dual-CBS双联制动系统,将手和脚两个操作系统并为一体,并同时制动前、后轮。

    The Dual-CBS is a braking system integrating hand and foot opening systems together and can get the front and rear wheels braked simultaneously .

  28. 本文提出了一种双联装导弹瞄准系统,其瞄准控制部分由高速数字信号处理芯片DSP和现场可编程门阵列FPOA构成,使得整个系统在速度和精度方面都具有较好的性能。

    A arming control system of synchronous fitting missle is brough forward in this paper of which the arming control unit composes of the high speed digital signal processing chip DSP and FPGA , and has better performance in speed and precision .

  29. 介绍了在CZ450齿轮整体误差测量仪上利用极坐标法测量双联齿轮、插齿刀和剃齿刀的端面渐开线齿形的方法,从而扩展了CZ450的测量功能。

    A method of measuring contrate involute errors of double gears , gear shapers and gear shavers on the CZ450 gear integrated error tester using the polar coordinate method is introduced .

  30. 简介农用运输车前照灯配光要求,以YJ160×100&1双联前照灯为例,重点介绍了农用运输车前照灯反射镜设计原理。

    This paper briefly introduces the luminous intensity distribution of the agricultural vehicles headlamps and takes the YJ160 × 100 dual-headlight for example . It emphasizes on the design principles of the headlamps reflector .