
  1. 用双气路色谱法测定N2吸附的SiO2负载型催化剂的吸附等温线及吸附回线;用多项式对吸附(脱附)曲线进行拟合;

    Physisorption isotherms and hysteresis loops of SiO 2 supported catalysts have been measured with N 2 by two way gas chromatography and the physisorption isotherm curves fitted with polynomial .

  2. 本文介绍了以双气路色谱法为原理的ST-03型比表面和孔径测定仪的特点。

    In this paper , specifics of the instrument of model ST-03 for determination specific surface area and pore size distribution based on principle of a dual gas flow system was given .

  3. 进行了双气路、双检测器气相色谱法联合测定苹果中有机磷、有机氯及菊酯类13种农药残留量的研究。

    A study on the combined determination of the residues of thirteen pesticides ( including organophosphorus , organochlorine and pyrethroids , etc , ) in apples by using GC with dual gas flow path and dual detector has been carried out .