
  1. 一个双重优化的IP-DiffServ定量QoS管理实现机制

    A Double-Optimal Quantitative QoS Management Implementation Mechanism in IP-DiffServ

  2. 一种基于时延和功耗双重优化目标的布局算法

    A New Placement Algorithm Based on Timing-Driven and Power-minimized Optimization Objective

  3. 具有芯片间连线数目最少和时钟周期最短双重优化目标;

    Having double optimal object , minimizing number of connections between chips and cycle time of system ;

  4. 最后,根据研究结果,认为只有实现资本结构与股权结构的双重优化才可以解决好我国房地产上市公司的融资结构问题。

    Finally , on the basis of the above analyses , a conclusion is drawn that financial structure problems in Chinese real estate listed companies can be effectively solved by the dual realization of capital structure optimization and ownership structure optimization .

  5. 最后,在分别分析旅客候车时间、中转换乘时间与列车服务频率的关系基础上,建立基于旅客出行时间最少的广义费用为目标函数,旅客的部分服务特性为约束条件的双重优化模型。

    Finally , on the basis of the analysis of passenger waiting time , transfer time and frequency of train services , establishing the objective function based on passenger travel time at least , Part of the passenger service characteristic is dual optimization model of constraints .

  6. 最后总结研究结论,并从内部治理和外部治理双重角度优化公司治理提出政策建议。

    At the end of this paper , we summarize the empirical research conclusion , then put forward policy suggestions from both the external governance and internal governance about how optimize corporate governance .

  7. 经仿真实验检验,是可行解。第四,用分支定界法求解制造系统双重资源近似优化配置问题。

    As validated by the simulation experiments , the solution is feasible . Fourthly , the dual-resource optimal configuration problem is solved by branch and bound method .

  8. 最后,针对制造系统系统性能指标的偏序单调性,提出一种改进分支定界算法快速、有效地求解出制造系统双重资源近似优化配置问题的最优解,通过仿真实验检验,是可行解。

    Finally , an improved branch and bound algorithm is put forward to get the optimal solution toward the partial order monotonicity of the performance indicators of the manufacturing system .

  9. 采用异步I/O访问模式,缓冲I/O及双重缓冲区等优化方法,提高了系统运行性能,使得大型机与开放系统对SAN的磁盘子系统的存储共享效率更高。

    We have designed several optimizing technologies , such as asynchronous I / O mode , I / O buffering and double buffers . They make the system more efficient to share the SAN storage sub-system .

  10. 在地震勘探程度较高的地区,首先采用测井约束法建立初始宏观层速度模型,然后利用多域双重迭代法进行优化更新,以达到满足叠前成像精度要求的目的。

    In some high degree exploration areas , the initial macro interval velocity model is firstly established by u-sing the logging-constrained method , and then , the double-iteration method in multi-domains is applied on velocity model updating to meet the accuracy of prestack imaging .