
  • 【医】computer printout
  1. 我一直盯着看一张毫无意义的计算机打印稿。

    I had been peering at a computer print-out that made no sense at all

  2. 它通过计算机打印口的STB信号触发可重触发单稳态电路,选通最先提出打印申请的主机打印通道,封锁其他主机打印通道。

    By the STB signal of the computer to trigger the repeatable triggered monostable circuit , the printing channel which is first called is opend and others channel is blocked at the same time .

  3. 连接计算机打印接口的CAN总线适配卡设计

    The Design of the Module between PC Printer Adapter and CAN

  4. 书桌上到处都是一页页计算机打印出的资料。

    There were pages of computer print-out all over the desk .

  5. 利用计算机打印检定证书、校准报告的方法

    The Method of Printing Verification Certificate and Calibration Report by Computer

  6. 你给我一份那个文件的计算机打印稿好吗?

    Would you get me a print-out of that document ?

  7. 计算机打印口用作天文仪器接口

    PC 's Printer Port as an Interface for Astronomy Instrument

  8. 我们全体对计算机打印结果的准确性提出异议。

    We all question how accurate the computer printout be .

  9. 有一次,我们给一位市政会成员用计算机打印了一份月度帐单。

    We once had a computer print a monthly bill for a city councilman .

  10. 他们储备了一些计算机打印纸。

    They stock up with computer paper .

  11. 人很容易被计算机打印出来的一大堆数字弄得不知所措。

    It 's easy to be overwhelmed by the blizzard of statistics that the computer prints out .

  12. 国民帐户计算机打印输出;国民帐户电脑印出

    National accounts computer print-outs

  13. 本文首先对可以和计算机打印口相接的基桩动态测试系统的系统结构进行了设计,然后对该系统的主要功能模块的硬件以及采样和分析软件进行了设计。

    In this paper , the hardware and software of the external parallel foundation pile dynamic diagnosis system are designed .

  14. 随时需要通过计算机打印这些患病记录将在不久以后成为一种可能。

    The possibility that these records will be printed by computers any time needed will be turned into reality soon .

  15. 打印机计算机打印系统中进行打印的部份请转到打印机文件夹,管理打印机

    The part of a system that produces printed matter . Please go to the printer 's folder to manage your printer

  16. 例如,当计算机打印文件时,在打印结束之前,计算机不能开始另一个进程或响应新的命令。

    For instance , when the computer is printing a document , it cannot start another process or respond to new commands until the printing is completed .

  17. 前言:目的:在手工书写的传统纸质病案转向计算机打印的网上病案的新形势下,探索网上病案质量管理方法,促进病案质量的提高。

    Objective : To discover the management way of the case history quality on the net and raise the quality of the case history in new circumstance from writing to typewriting .

  18. 我用计算机打印了一张带彩色照片的卖房广告张贴在咖啡店的免费布告栏里。

    Made use of my computer , I printed an advertisement with the colour picture of the house on the top of the sheet of paper , and posted the advertisement on the bulletin board of the coffee restaurant .

  19. 计算机虚拟打印方法浅析

    Analysis on Methods of Virtual Print

  20. 计算机人像打印系统

    Computer portrait print system

  21. 微型计算机的打印技巧

    Printing skills on Microcomputer

  22. 针对一般振镜式激光显示系统,介绍了该系统的组成、激光显示的原理以及计算机通过打印口对其进行控制的方法,改变了以往利用插卡的方式控制操作比较麻烦的情况;

    The composition of the popular laser display system , the principle of laser display and the method by which it is controled by the computer via LPT are introduced .

  23. 该系统采用PHILIPS单片机控制,通过铱星电话实时将数据传输到岸站固定电话,并通过计算机存储和打印。

    This system is controlled by PHILIPS MCU , and transmits data by means of real-time iridium phone to stationary phone which is on bank station , and the received ( data ) are stored and printed by computer .

  24. 本文介绍408地震仪FDU标识号存储器及一款利用个人计算机双向并行打印口读写FDUEEPROM芯片的装置。

    The paper introduced FDU ID memory of 408 seismograph and a device using a bi-directional parallel port for printer on a personal computer to read / write FDU EEPROM chip .

  25. 单板计算机中西文打印系统

    A printing system of the CHINESE-WESTERN-WRITING on a single board computer

  26. 迈克尔:我的计算机也不打印。

    Michael : My computer won 't print either .

  27. 这台计算机编有打印标签的程序。

    The computer is programmed to print label .

  28. 计算机书写和打印病历的质量管理

    The Quality Management of Medical Records Printing

  29. (计算机科学)打印数据处理结果的输出设备。

    ( computer science ) an output device that prints the results of data processing .

  30. 例如,任何时刻,一台计算机既可打印工资单,同时又可接收订单,也可测试程序。

    For example , at any given time the computer might be printing payroll checks , accepting orders , and testing programs .