
  • 网络Billing management;ACCOUNTING;accounting management;account management
  1. IP网络计费管理研究

    Research on IP Network Accounting Management

  2. 基于QoS的网络计费管理

    Network Accounting Management Based on QoS

  3. 基于Linux的TCP/IP网络计费管理的研究

    Research on tcp / ip network accounting based on Linux

  4. 面向对象的设计方法在IP计费管理软件上的应用

    Applying Object-Oriented Methods to IP Accounting Systems

  5. 首先介绍计费管理在ASP服务平台上的重要性;

    Firstly , the importance of payment management is discussed on ASP service platform .

  6. 第四章给出ASP平台计费管理模块的详细设计。

    In the 4th chapter , the detail designing of payment management module is provided .

  7. 基于COM技术的虚拟网立即计费管理系统的研究与设计

    Research and Designment of Virtual Network Immediate Billing and Management System Based on Com Technology

  8. 文章介绍的基于活动目录与Web模式的校园网用户管理系统,实现了用户统一管理和计费管理自动化。

    The Web mode Campus Network User Management System Based on Active Directory that introduced in this paper realizes unified user management and automation of accounting management .

  9. SNMP在校园网计费管理系统中的应用

    The Application of SNMP in Campus Network Accounting System

  10. NT网络打印服务计费管理

    Charging system of print service with NT network

  11. 在计费管理的设计中,应用JAVA设计模式设计了一个小额支付兑帐软件,实现了小额支付兑帐功能。

    In the designing of account-checking management , JAVA design patterns are turned to design the software that is used for micro-payment account checking .

  12. RADIUS协议在用户认证、授权和计费管理方面功能强大,方便灵活并可扩充;

    The RADIUS protocol is powerful in the authentication , authorization and accounting management , and has flexible and convenient expansion .

  13. HFC网络计费管理的分析与研究

    Analysis and Research on Accounting Management in HFC

  14. 基于DHCP及LDAP目录服务的校园网用户计费管理系统

    The Campus Network User Counting Management System Based on DHCP and LDAP Directory Service

  15. WiMAX与3GPP融合中统一计费管理的研究

    Study on the Charging Management for WiMAX-3GPP Interworking

  16. 应用层协议识别是研究区分服务、QoS、入侵检测、流量监控、计费管理以及用户行为分析的前提和基础。

    Application-Layer Protocol Identification is the basis of Differentiate Service , QoS , Intrusion Detection System , Traffic Analysis and Control , Charge Management and Behavior Analysis of Users .

  17. 对移动运营商WLAN解决方案的体系结构及其鉴权认证、计费管理、漫游和远程接入等问题进行了探讨。

    The system architecture and problems in authentication certification , billing management , roaming and remote access of WLAN solution for mobile operators are discussed .

  18. 本文将主要讲述基于IPv6的网络管理中的一种&计费管理的设计实现的整个过程。

    This paper will mainly discuss one type of the network management based on IPv6 & the whole process of designing and implementing the accounting management system .

  19. 实现可运营的宽带IP城域网必须解决的主要问题有:网络的安全性问题、用户数据的隔离问题、用户业务服务质量保证QOS的问题、用户的认证、计费管理问题。

    The major questions must be solved to carry out the operational IP Man are follows : network security , end user isolation , end user service QOS , user authentication and accounting management .

  20. 3G系统的优势在于计费管理、漫游与安全性,WLAN系统的优势在于高带宽和低投资成本。

    3G systems have their advantages in charge management , roaming , and security facilities , and WLAN systems have the advantages of high bandwidth and low investment cost .

  21. 文章介绍了计算机机房计费管理系统的功能需求、系统结构及一些关键技术在DELPHI中的实现。

    This paper introduces , in details , the functional requirement of computer station electronic funds management system , the system structure and several key techniques achieved with Delphi .

  22. 国外食品安全信息化管理体系研究及对我国的借鉴意义浅谈tss程控交换机的计费管理

    Studies on Information-based Management Structure of Food Safety in Developed Countries and Suggestions on Establishing China Food Safety Management Structure

  23. ISO定义了网络管理的五大功能:性能管理,计费管理,安全管理,配置管理,故障管理,并被广泛接受。

    ISO has defined the five functions of network management : performance management , accounting mangment , security mangment , configuration mangment and fault mangment and they have been widely accepted .

  24. 针对中英文Internet信息服务的特点,并根据互连网信息服务业务发展的管理需要,提出了一种实用的中英文Internet信息服务系统解决方案,阐述了安全管理、计费管理、全文检索等关键技术。

    This paper analyzes the demands for the management of bilingual internet information service system , introduces a practical solution to the secure and protected access , usage accounting and bilingual full-text retrieval in this system , and presents key technologies contained in it .

  25. 网络的正常运营离不开网络计费管理,高速网络上计费管理系统的设计与实现一直受到各个ISP的密切关注。

    The healthy of network operation depends on Network Accounting Management . Every ISP always keeps one eye on the design and implementation of network accounting management system on high-speed network .

  26. 设计并实现一个运行在局域网环境之上,集当前流行的客户机/服务器模式、先进的WinSock通信和ADO数据库访问技术为一体的机房计费管理系统。

    A computer room charge management system is designed and realized for running at LAN , popular Client / Server pattern , advanced Winsock communications and ADO database access are united .

  27. 在阐述LotusDomino/Notes邮件特点的基础上,介绍了基于LotusDomino/Notes的办公自动化系统中的邮件计费管理系统的设计方案及其具体实现方法。

    In this article , mail features of Lotus Domino / Notes are described . The implementation and design of mail accounting system applying to the OA system based on Lotus Domino / Notes are then introduced in detail .

  28. VPN/VPDN计费管理软件的研究是一项具有重要学术价值和广泛的应用前景,是当今信息技术研究的新焦点。

    Research on VPN / VDPN charge management software has so important academic value and practical foreground that it has become the focus of the present information technology field .

  29. 网络管理软件设计的目的就是实现网络管理,国际标准化组织(ISO)定义了网络管理的5个功能域失效管理、配置管理、安全管理、性能管理和计费管理。

    The purpose of network management software design is to realize network management . International Standard Organization defines five function fields of network management : failure management , configuration management , security management , performance management and cost management .

  30. 按照TMN的管理功能定义,TMN包括配置管理、性能管理、安全管理、故障管理和计费管理等五大功能模块。

    According to the TMN management function definition , the TMN includes five great function modules : Configuration Management , Fault Management , Performance Management , Security Management , and Accounting Management .