
jì suàn fù hè
  • calculated load
  1. 利用概率方法分析计算负荷系数的选取

    Analysing the factor of calculated load with the use of probability theory

  2. 并以一组重庆市统计局提供的统计数据,拟合出可用于住宅计算负荷预测的回归曲线。

    By the statistical parameters of Chongqing statistics department , the regression curve that can be used to predict house calculated load was fitted .

  3. 这些替代协议能够降低信道争用问题并且还可以减少WLAN中所有用户的计算负荷。

    These alternative protocols reduce channel contention and decrease computational load on all users in WLANs .

  4. 为了进一步减少特征之间的信息冗余,降低聚类分析的计算负荷,采用主元分析(PCA)对所得的纹理特征进行降维。

    Second , in order to decrease the dimension of features greatly and reduce the complexity of computation , the Principal Components Analysis ( PCA ) method is used .

  5. 与基于图像域的DPCA运动目标检测方法相比,该方法不需要方位压缩,因而减小了计算负荷,但没有损失目标检测性能。

    This method requires no azimuth compression thus greatly reduces computational load but without performance losing compared with approach based on DPCA in image domain . Furthermore .

  6. 在多目标跟踪中一些传统关联算法的计算负荷是和目标数目及量测个数呈指数型关系增长,概率多假设跟踪算法(PMHT)很好地解决了这一问题;

    In tracking multiple targets , conventional data association algorithms require a computational cost which is exponential with respective to the number of the targets and observations , the probabilistic multi-hypothesis ( PMHT ) resolved this question .

  7. 现代住宅户均计算负荷及其配电系统配置浅析

    Household load calculation and its distribution system configuration of modern house

  8. 目前大部分港口主要采用需要系数法来计算负荷的无功功率,采用母线上并联电容器的方式来补偿无功功率。

    Nowadays , most ports traditionally adopt parallel connected capacitors to compensate reactive power .

  9. 通过计算机房计算负荷的计算,给出了正确的配电方案。

    A reasonable power supply scheme is presented by calculating the calculate load of computer-room .

  10. 最终达到有效减小算法运行过程中的计算负荷和提高计算效率的目的。

    As a result , the algorithm reduces computational load and improve the efficiency of the calculation .

  11. 在实时呼叫建立阶段,网络的计算负荷有所减少;

    In the real time call setup period , the computing load on the network side is reduced ;

  12. 该方法不涉及运动估计,具有较低的计算负荷和时间延迟,所产生的视频流是完全嵌入的。

    The method does not involve motion estimation , and has lower computational complexity and coding latency , and can make full-embedded video streams .

  13. 与以前相关的方法比较,作者提出的方案以增加较小的计算负荷为代价,而使安全性得到较大的提高。

    Compared with an existing method , the security of the proposed SDPA scheme is greatly improved at a slight cost in implementation complexity .

  14. 通过这些处理将运动估计过程中复杂的二维图像运算转化为一维投影信号进行处理,有效的降低了计算负荷。

    Those processing translate the 2D image calculation of motion estimation into 1D signal computation to reduce the computational complexity of motion estimation . 2 .

  15. 提出对住宅计算负荷,以家用电器总功率为自变量,采用回归分析的预测方法。

    The prediction method of house calculated load by the regression analysis in which independent variable is the total power of household appliances was presented .

  16. 通过对分区系统进行状态抽样,获得分区模型的可靠性参数,再运用前推回推法计算负荷点可靠性指标和系统可靠性指标。

    Reliability parameters are obtained through state sampling on the feeder partition model . A back / forward sweep algorithm is introduced for load-points and system indices calculations .

  17. 阐述了现阶段住宅小区计算负荷的确定,介绍了小区变压器容量的选取。

    This paper discusses the determination of calculation load in residential districts at present , and introduces the choice of capacity of voltage transformer in the districts as well .

  18. 为了减少块匹配过程中搜索的点数,降低运动估计的计算负荷,本文提出了一种自适应的快速搜索算法。

    In order to reduce the search points in the block matching process and relieve the calculation burden of motion estimation , we presented an adaptive fast search algorithm in this paper .

  19. 本文讨论海水质量守恒改正和等潮图的差异对计算负荷效应的影响,并研制海潮主要分波的球谐模型。

    This paper deals with the effects of conservation of mass and discrepancy of cotidal charts on Loading tidal computations , and handles the spherical harmonic model of the main constituents of ocean tide .

  20. 通过利用地理信息自适应精简目标运动模型集,提出了一种广义对地跟踪框架,以避免模型间的过度竞争,减少了计算负荷。

    A general ground target tracking scheme is proposed that adaptively determines a reduced model set , so that the " excessive competition " of multiple models is avoided and the computation burden is reduced .

  21. 首先,针对传统连续潮流算法在计算负荷裕度时遇到的平衡节点发电机无功约束问题进行了研究,提出了平衡节点无功约束的连续潮流负荷裕度算法。

    Firstly , the problem of reactive power constrains of generator at slack bus is studied , and a load margin algorithm of continuation power flow of reactive power constrain at slack bus is proposed .

  22. 相对于常规主从式并行遗传算法,该算法通过动态调整从机的计算负荷,有效地解决了从机间计算负荷不均衡分布的问题。

    Compared with the traditional master-slave parallel genetic algorithms , the presented algorithm can efficiently solve the problem of unbalanced distribution of computational load among the slave computers by dynamically adjusting computational load of the slave computers .

  23. 为了减少计算负荷,在用户端和服务器端均不使用对称或非对称密码加密算法;可以抵御字典攻击,重传攻击和服务器拒绝服务攻击。

    The characteristics of SEAP are as follows : It supports short password , do not use encrypted algorithm between user and server to reduce computation overhead , and can resist dictionary , replay , and denial of service attacks .

  24. 该算法在原因子路径树网络划分算法的基础上引入了发电机节点点权并采用了新的电力网络划分性能评价指标函数,使得各个分区之间的计算负荷分配更为合理。

    This algorithm adopts the generator bus weight and a new performance index function for assessing the partitioning scheme in the original algorithm of factorization path tree partitioning to make the distribution of computing load between each processor more reasonable .

  25. 算法以元件为故障枚举单位,采用搜索的方法模拟配电系统元件故障后的开关动作,从而得到负荷的停运状态,并以此为依据计算负荷的可靠性指标及配电系统的可靠性指标。

    This algorithm takes the power component as the enumeration unit , uses search method to simulate switches motion after component fault in order to get the outage status of the loads , and then calculate the reliability indices of loads and distribution system .

  26. 在典型用户调查资料的数学处理上,利用了把模糊数学的聚类分析应用于统计综合法负荷建模的观点,通过阐述调查统计时计算负荷设备比例,为得出切合实际的设备比例奠定了基础。

    Point of view of use the cluster analysis based on fuzzy mathematics used in statistics based modeling approach , the typical user survey in the mathematical treatment . Elaborate survey equipment for calculating the load ratio , the ratio reached a practical device .

  27. 为了克服多目标多约束优化计算负荷大的问题,以及最大程度地利用遗传算法的内在并行性,实现了一种通用化的基于服务器端/客户端模式的分布式并行计算系统。

    In order to solve the problem of huge computational loads existed in the multi-objective optimization problem along with taking full advantages of the inner parallel property of the GA , an universal distributed parallel computational system based on the server / client pattern is established .

  28. 应用高效液相色谱法检测脑组织中AMP、ADP、ATP的含量,并计算能量负荷。

    The changes of AMP , ADP , ATP and EC in cerebral tissues were ( detected ) by high performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) .

  29. 采用Gauss-Laguerre求积公式近似计算随机负荷的广义积分。

    The improper integral of stochastic loads is approximately calculated by use of Gauss-Laguerre integral formula .

  30. 同样采用AVL-BOOST软件提取的边界条件,用AVL-FIRE软件计算全负荷工况下三种不同配气相位的进气过程,以分析不同进气相位对此工况下进气过程的影响。

    The boundary conditions are also achieved by AVL-BOOST software . The AVL-FIRE software is used to calculate the air intake process under full load conditions to analyze the influence of intake valve timing on the intake process .