
  • 网络hypothesized ownership
  1. 虚拟产权与企业家激励

    Hypothesized Ownership and Incentive For Entrepreneurs

  2. 虚拟财产权性质的民法学解释

    On the Civil Law Explanation to the Right of the Virtual Property

  3. 然后逐一介绍前三种观点存在的理由以及它们在解释虚拟财产权时存在的不足之处。

    Then this paper introduces the three views and their inadequacies in interpreting the virtual property rights .

  4. 接着提出本文的观点:虚拟财产权应当是一种物权。

    Then the paper raises its point of view : The right of virtual property is a property right .

  5. 通过分析,笔者将网络虚拟财产权定位为一种新型财产。

    By analyze , The author of the network positioned the network as a new type of virtual property rights , property .

  6. 虚拟财产权符合对物的支配权特征,因此,虚拟财产权属于物权。

    The virtual property righ is the right of eminent domain to res , therefore , virtual property right is real right .

  7. 在实有权利层面上,通过虚拟财产权制度的设计,为虚拟财产权由法定权利向实有权利转化提供制度保障。

    From the perspective of real right , it may provide the system guarantee for the transformation of subjunctive property from legal right to real right .

  8. 为了解决这一问题,需要对网络虚拟财产权进行充分的理论研究,并在此基础上有针对性地进行法律完善。

    To solve this problem , full theoretical study of the network virtual property is badly needed and on this basis , the law is perfected with specific purpose .

  9. 本章详细列举了有关网络游戏虚拟财产权法律属性的各家学说,包括物权的观点、债权的观点、知识产权的观点。

    Theories of different schools about the legal attribute of the virtual property in online games are listed , including the opinions on real right , claim and intellectual property .

  10. 第一,什么样的事实应当被认定为损害事实;第二,应如何认定虚拟财产权纠纷案件中损害范围。

    At first , I introduce that what kind of facts should be identifieded to be the facts of damage . Secondly , how do we estimate the range of the damage .

  11. 据此,网络虚拟财产权是以网络虚拟财产为客体的所有权,属于物权的范畴,具有物权所具备的直接支配性和排他效力。

    Hereby , network virtual property is the property taking the network virtual possessions as object , which is under the category of real right and bears the direct domination and exclusion effectiveness .

  12. 第二章介绍了网络侵权行为的主要表现形式,围绕网上侵犯名誉权、网上侵犯隐私权、网上侵犯著作权和网上侵害虚拟财产权展开论述。

    The second chapter introduces the main forms of network tort , talk about something detailed about the online infringes upon the right of reputation , invasion of privacy on the Internet , the online copyright infringement and on-line violation virtual property right .

  13. 产权分析方法有利于虚拟财产权体系构建,使虚拟财产制度设计凸现其合理性,以确保虚拟财产的法律规制,维护正常的虚拟财产交易安全。

    The property right analysis method is advantageous to the virtual property rights system constructs , causes the virtual property system design to present its rationality , guarantees the virtual property the legal rules and regulations , maintains the normal the virtual property transaction safe .

  14. 阐述了虚拟财产权在性质方面存在的理论分歧以及该种分歧产生的可能原因;指出在债权、物权二元体系内界定虚拟财产权的性质有一定的合理性以及科学性。

    Set forth the Virtual Property theoretical differences exist in the nature of the possible causes of the differences ; pointed out that the nature of the virtual property rights as defined in the claims , property within the binary system has a certain rationality and science .

  15. 对虚拟企业的产权问题进行了研究,分析了产权一体化和动态联盟两种虚拟企业产权形式的特点和适用范围,提出了虚拟企业产权方式的选择原则;

    The principle of the selection method for property right of virtual enterprise is presented ; the cost problem of virtual enterprise is analyzed ;

  16. 本文通过对虚拟角色知识产权保护制度的分析研究,在借鉴国外保护模式的基础上,提出以完善著作权法、商标法及反不正当竞争法的方式来解决这一难题的建议。

    This paper is based on the reference of foreign protection mode and then put forward improvement of the copyright law , trademark law and anti-unfair competition law way to solve this problem through analysis of the intellectual property protection .

  17. 无疑,虚拟角色的知识产权保护问题值得我们去研究与探讨。

    Undoubtedly , the Research deserves to be discussed and studied .

  18. 网络虚拟形象及其知识产权保护

    Internet Fictional Character and It 's Protection of Intellectual Property

  19. 虚拟角色的知识产权保护问题不仅关乎虚拟角色创作者的切身利益,且关系到社会物质活动与文化活动的繁荣。

    The Intellectual property protection for Fictitious characters , is not only related to the vital interests of creators , but also involved with the prosperity about social economic and cultural .

  20. 文章具体论述了虚拟财产与知识产权客体的区别以及基于虚拟财产所生权利与知识产权的区别,澄清了虚拟财产的非知识产权属性。

    This article discusses the differences between virtual property and the object of intellectual property and between rights based on virtual property and intellectual property in detail , and clarifies the non-intellectual property attribute of virtual property .

  21. 接下来再分析了虚拟财产权的权能并将虚拟财产权和所有权进行了比较,认为虚拟财产权和所有权相似但又有别于所有权。

    Next to analyze the power of virtual property right , and compare it with ownership . I think the virtual property right is similar with ownership but has something different from the former .

  22. 由于我国目前对针对网络虚拟财产的立法处于空白状态,使得网络虚拟财产权纠纷案件的审理出现无法律依据可直接适用的尴尬局面。

    The inquisition of case of the network virtual property is in an awkward situation that no laws are available because the legislation of network virtual property in our country is still blank at present .

  23. 虚拟财产权属于物权,应当依据《物权法》中物权的保护规定,构建物权请求权与侵权责任请求权并立的虚拟财产权保护模式。

    Because virtual property right is real right , we should comply with regulations respecting the protection of property rights in Real Right Law , and establish the protected mode by the claim of right in rem and the claim of right in tort .