
rén wú wán rén
  • 熟语No one is perfect.;No man is perfect.
  1. 人无完人,就算伟人也会犯错误。

    No man is perfect , even if the great people can make mistakes .

  2. 金无赤金,人无完人。世界上不存在没有缺点的人。

    Gold pure and no man is perfect , the world does not exist without the shortcomings of the people .

  3. 呃,对不起。不过,人无完人嘛。

    Well I 'm sorry ─ but nobody 's perfect .

  4. 人无完人。

    Nobody is perfect .

  5. 人无完人,我们都是通过我们犯的错来学习的。

    Nobody is perfect , we all learn by our mistakes .

  6. 人无完人,而且你已经做出了最大的努力。

    Nobody 's perfect and you 've tried your best .

  7. 布鲁姆说道,人无完人,“每个人都曾经历过道歉,只是没有人愿意说出来而已,”CEO有时也难免。

    Nobody 's perfect , and " everybody has an apology story , if they 're willing to tell it , " Bloom notes - including the occasional CEO .

  8. 人无完人,别强求我。

    Everybody 's not perfect , so give me a break !

  9. 我们都会犯错,人无完人。

    We all make mistakes ; none of us is perfect .

  10. 人无完人,不管我们多么努力。

    Nobody 's perfect , even though we all try to be .

  11. 金无足赤,人无完人。

    Gold can 't be pure and man can 't be perfect .

  12. 你知道金无足赤,人无完人。

    Never a rose without a prick , you know .

  13. 最后一个教训是,人无完人。

    The final lesson is that mankind is imperfect .

  14. 你是个人,人无完人,都会有缺点。

    You 're only human and humans have flaws .

  15. 宝贝,人无完人。

    Well , honey , no one 's perfect .

  16. 人无完人,我重申一次:没有人是完美的。

    No one is perfect , I repeat : no one is perfect .

  17. 人无完人,每个人都有缺点。

    No one 's perfect ; all of us of course have faults .

  18. 我是说人无完人,对吗?

    I mean nobody 's perfect , right ?

  19. 人无完人,包括你自己在内。

    No one is perfect not even you .

  20. 是的,人无完人,我们每个人都是不同的。

    True , we all have limitations , and there are differences among us .

  21. 接受彼此的不同,因为人无完人。

    Accept differences & No one is perfect .

  22. 人无完人,特别是在压力之下。

    Nobody 's perfect , especially under stress .

  23. 人无完人,我们都有分心的时候。

    Nobody is perfect , and we all have times where we will be distracted .

  24. 你知道人无完人,你只能让自己尽量做到更好。

    You know that no one is perfect and you can only give your best .

  25. 诚然,人无完人,但我们总可以做得更好。

    It 's true that no one is perfect , but we can always do better .

  26. 人无完人,所以当你说起你的缺点时,就说一些比较积极的方面。

    So when you talk about your weaknesses , just talk something on the very positive side .

  27. 我们都知道,金无足赤,人无完人,缺点是每个人必不可少的一部分。

    We all know that no one is perfect and shortcomings are an essential part of every person .

  28. 最后一点,要记住:人无完人。没有人会对你求全责备。

    Last of all remember , no one 's perfect , and no one expects you to be .

  29. 人无完人,犯点错误在所难免,可关键在于你处理它的方式。

    Everyone makes mistakes from time to time ; what matters is how you handle it when you do .

  30. 人无完人,你一定会犯错的,特别是刚刚开始的时候。

    Nobody 's perfect . You 're bound to make mistakes , especially when you 're just starting out .