
  • 网络Artificial liver;BAL;alss
  1. 结果:人工肝组共进行124次治疗,其中血浆置换23次,CHDF15次,PE+CHDF26例次,MARS治疗60例次。

    Results : the ALSS group have treated 124 tis with ALSS , including PE 23 times , CHDF 15 times , PE + CHDF 26 times and MARS 60 times .

  2. 人工肝支持是保护因素。

    Support ? The protective factor was ALSS .

  3. 提出了一种基于先进过程控制(AdvancedProcessControl,APC)技术的综合控制方案在生物型人工肝支持系统(BAL)中的应用;

    The Advanced Process Control ( APC ) technology is proposed in the bioartificial liver support system .

  4. 人工肝B组中位生存时间是25.79天,10天的累积生存率为67.86%;

    The median survival time and cumulation proportion survival at 10 days was 25.79 days and 67.86 % respectively in group B ;

  5. 采用HAD情绪自评表,对130例人工肝支持治疗病人进行问卷调查。

    Method : a total of130 patients were investigated by filling out HAD emotion self-assessment form as questionnaire .

  6. 方法急、慢性肝功能衰竭行MARS人工肝治疗共28例56例次,采用间歇治疗模式,每次历时6~8h。

    Methods 28 patients with acute and acute on chronic liver failure received 56 intermittent MARS treatments .

  7. 核苷类似物联合人工肝治疗可加快肝功能好转,缩短病程,降低病死率,降低血清HBVDNA水平。

    Treating with nucleosides plus ALSS could accelerate the amelioration of liver function , shorten course of disease , decrease mortality and HBV DNA level .

  8. MARS人工肝治疗急慢性肝功能衰竭的临床研究

    Clinical investigation of treatment using molecular adsorbent recirculating system ( MARS ) in patients with acute-or-chronic liver failure

  9. APC技术在生物型人工肝支持系统中的应用

    Advanced Process Control for Bioartificial Liver Support System

  10. 结论MARS人工肝支持系统是治疗重型肝炎及合并HRS有效和安全的方法。

    Conclusion The MARS is an effective and safe approach in severe hepatitis associated with HRS .

  11. 结果每次人工肝支持疗法后,CSA浓度均明显下降。

    Results The concentration of CSA was declined obviously in every time after artificial liver supporting treatment .

  12. 人工肝支持系统(artificialliversupportsystem,ALSS)是目前应用较广、疗效肯定的肝衰竭辅助治疗手段。

    Artificial liver support system ( ALSS ) is an assistant device in the treatment of liver failure . It can substitute the functions of the liver by extracorporeal support .

  13. MELD评分与CTP分级在人工肝治疗重型肝炎中的价值研究

    Clinical value of MELD and CTP score for evaluation of ALSS in severe hepatitis

  14. 结论:人工肝支持加中药治疗HF,可提高HF的临床治愈好转率。

    Conclusion : Artificial liver support combined with Chinese medicine in treating HF could improve the rate of clinical cure and better turn about HF .

  15. 人工肝支持系统治疗对重型肝炎患者血清TNF-α、IL-2、IL-10和IL-15水平的影响

    Removal of TNF - α, IL-2 , IL-10 and IL-15 by artificial liver support system in patients with severe hepatitis

  16. 吸附型人工肝辅助材料的制备及其性能研究&(Ⅲ)SVD醇解物的功能基化反应及吸附性能

    Study on synthesis adsorption type of artificial liver assist material and their properties ⅲ . svd functionalization and their properties

  17. 方法回顾性分析30例次MARS人工肝治疗的疗效,比较治疗前后各种有毒物质的改变。

    Method The effect of 30 times MARS treatment were analysed . We compared the parameters in blood clinical data before and after every treatment .

  18. 目的:探讨目前临床常用人工肝支持系统治疗方法之一血浆置换(PE)对慢性重型肝炎肝脏功能衰竭的临床疗效。

    Objective : To investigate the clinical effect of plasma exchange ( PE ), one of the artificial liver support system , in the treatment of liver function failure of chronic severe hepatitis .

  19. 应用MELD评分与CTP分级预测人工肝治疗肝衰竭预后的临床价值

    Predicting the Prognostic Value for Hepatic Failure Treated with Artificial Liver Support System by MELD and CTP Score Systems

  20. 人工肝支持系统治疗急性肝衰竭患者LPS、TNF-α、IL-2、IL-6水平变化的临床意义

    The clinical significance of the changes of serum LPS 、 TNF - α、 IL-2 、 IL-6 Levels in patients with acute liver failure treated by artificial liver support system

  21. 结论MELD评分与CTP分级评价系统在人工肝治疗重型肝炎中有预测作用。

    Conclusion It demonstrates that the MELD and CTP score are useful in predicting the therapeutic effectiveness of ALSS in severe hepatitis .

  22. 结论MARS人工肝分子吸附循环系统是治疗肝功能衰竭安全而有效的辅助方法,为过渡到肝移植创造了机会。

    Conclusions : MARS artificial liver now is a safe and effective assist methode to treat liver failure . It can help to gain more chances for undergoing OLT for the patients .

  23. 目的探讨分子吸附循环(MARS)人工肝治疗重型肝炎肝脏功能衰竭的临床疗效、不良反应、机制及预后评估。

    Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy , side effects , mechanisms , and prognosis of the molecular absorbent recycling system ( MARS ) in patients with severe hepatitis and hepatic function failure .

  24. 结论:在慢性重型肝炎的常规治疗中加用MARS人工肝可以显著降低患者体内以血清胆红质为代表的蛋白结合毒素。

    CONCLUSION : The blood bilirubin level in the patient with CLF is significantly and quickly reduced after the combined MARS treatment and conventional treatment , which is impossible only by means of conventional therapy .

  25. 接受MARS人工肝治疗的时间及其间隔时间是影响治疗结果的重要因素,治疗越早,效果越好。

    The time of MARS treatment is one of the most important factors which have an effect on MARS treatment . The earlier the time of MARS treatment is , the better the outcome is .

  26. 目的通过观察人工肝支持系统对重型肝炎血清降钙素原(PCT)水平的影响,探讨PCT水平改变对重型肝炎临床转归的影响。

    Objective To evaluate effect of artificial liver support system ( ALSS ) on blood procalcitonin ( PCT ) level and clinical prognosis in patients with hepatitis gravis .

  27. 反应器是生物人工肝(bioartificialliver,BAL)系统的核心部分,其性能直接关系到人工肝支持的效率和效果。

    Reactor is the key section of bioartificial liver ( BAL ), and the efficiency of BAL in the treatment of the patients with liver failure counts on the function of the reactor used .

  28. 结论非生物型人工肝对IL-6、TGFβ1、TNF-α、sFas有较好的清除作用,可使IL-2、IFN-α水平升高,对重型肝炎疗效明显。

    Conclusion Non-bioartificial liver can decrease the levels of IL-6 、 TGF β _1 , TNF - α, sFas , while increase IL-2 , IFN - α levels , and has obvious efficacy on severe hepatitis .

  29. 目的了解人工肝治疗前、后重型乙型肝炎患者血清IL-18、总胆红素、γ-球蛋白水平和病毒标志物的变化,分析人工肝技术清除病理性有害物质效果。

    Objective To evaluate clarity function of pathological material with artificial liver technique by detecting sera IL_18 , total bilirubin ( TBIL ), γ _globulin consistency and viral marker before and after the treatment .

  30. TECA生物型人工肝支持系统替代衰竭肝脏功能机制的实验研究

    Experimental study of teca bioartificial liver support system in treatment of acute liver failure canines