
  • 网络Sarasota
  1. 佛罗里达州萨拉索塔市从事咨询顾问工作的谢莉•沃兹(SherryWatts)厌倦于整天处理邮件和寻找文件,于是下了一个新年决心,想让自己在家的办公室更有条理。

    Tired of spending hours processing mail and searching for lost files , Sherry Watts , a Sarasota , Fla. , consultant , made a New Year 's resolution to get her home office better organized .

  2. 凯特•布朗(KateS.Brown)是佛罗里达州萨拉索塔市(Sarasota)的一位规划专家,她说给缺乏条理性的客户买好看的文件夹能促使他们做出更大的改进。

    Kate S.Brown , a professional organizer in Sarasota , Fla. , says some of her clients who struggle with disorganization do better when she has them buy new files that are aesthetically appealing .

  3. 在此,萨拉索塔市正式祝贺中国主办了运动史上最激动人心的奥林匹克盛会。

    The City of Sarasota would like to officially congratulate China for hosting the most sensational Olympic Games in sport history .