
  • 网络Prime Minister of Samoa
  1. 在新年前夕那天,萨摩亚将移至国际日期变更线西侧。国际日期变更线是大致沿180度经线穿过太平洋的一条折线。萨摩亚总理图伊拉埃帕•萨伊莱莱•马利埃莱额奥伊称此举将方便萨摩亚和主要贸易伙伴进行交易。

    On New Year 's Eve , Samoa will have jumped to the west of the international dateline , which runs zig-zags through the Pacific Ocean and broadly follows the 180 degree line of longitude , in a move Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi said would make it easier for Samoa to trade with key partners .