
  • 网络Sally
  1. 萨丽女士溜到她自己的卧室里去了。

    Miss Sally dived into her own bedroom .

  2. 噢,萨丽说,带着一种奇怪的表情。

    ' Oh , 'said Annie , with a strange look .

  3. 想必你们比我更加熟知巴格达少女梅萨丽的悲惨身世。

    Presumably more familiar than I am your girl Baghdad Masony tragic background .

  4. 先是父母讨来食物喂她吃,稍大一点,梅萨丽自已也能去讨一些吃的来。

    First , to review Parent feeding her food to eat , a little larger than that Masony themselves can go to discuss some food .

  5. 萨丽的朋友安妮·墨菲请我春天到她那儿住一个星期,萨丽也去。

    Salies friend , Annie Moffat , has asked me to go and stay with her for a week in the spring , when Sallie does .

  6. 从梅萨丽家庭悲惨的经历,我们应该反思:人类若不彻底摒弃战争,梅萨丽及其家族的惨状就是全人类明天的缩影!

    Masony home from the miserable experience , we should reflect on : the human does not completely abandon the war , and his family Masony carnage tomorrow is the epitome of all mankind !