
è dú
  • vicious;malicious;virulence;venomous;malignancy
恶毒 [è dú]
  • [vicious;malicious] 凶狠歹毒

  • 一个恶毒的计划形成了

恶毒[è dú]
  1. 这是对一个年轻人品格蓄意的、卑鄙的、恶毒的攻击。

    It is a deliberate , nasty and vicious attack on a young man 's character .

  2. 两周前一份周日报纸刊登了一篇对他进行尖酸恶毒攻击的文章。

    There was a vicious and vitriolic attack on him in one of the Sunday newspapers two weeks ago .

  3. 他恶毒地诅咒。

    He swore foully .

  4. 他说我们既邪恶又恶毒,还非常卑鄙。

    He said that we were evil , malignant and mean .

  5. 新闻界向她发起了恶毒攻击。

    The media has waged a virulent hate campaign against her .

  6. 他以尖刻恶毒的语言大肆抨击自己的对手。

    He said many harsh and unkind things about his opponents .

  7. 他肆意辱骂韦特,并对他进行恶毒的人身攻击。

    He heaped abuse on Waite and made venomous personal attacks

  8. 那些匿名电话的恶毒语气很令他吃惊。

    He was surprised by the venomous tone of the anonymous calls .

  9. 今天一名发言人称该计划阴险恶毒。

    One speaker today called the plan diabolical and sinister .

  10. 现在他面临着意大利媒体的恶毒攻击。

    Now he faces virulent attacks from the Italian media

  11. 她从未遭遇过如此恶毒和狭隘的事情。

    Never had she met such spite and pettiness .

  12. 朋友们说针对他正在发起“一场恶毒的个人攻击”。

    Friends spoke of ' a virulent personal campaign ' being waged against him .

  13. 不只是女人会对彼此说些恶毒的话。

    Women are not the only ones who say bitchy things about each other .

  14. 她说这些指控用意恶毒。

    She described the charges as malicious .

  15. 如果不是出于某种恶毒的目的,为什么把整村人囚禁起来?

    Why make a whole village prisoner if it was not to some nefarious purpose ?

  16. 那姑娘被他恶毒的语气惊呆了。

    The girl was shocked by the vicious tone in his voice .

  17. 他对对手发起了恶毒的人身攻击。

    He authored a vicious personal attack on his rival .

  18. 他的敌人恶毒地密谋搞垮他。

    His enemies maliciously conspired to ruin him .

  19. 这样一种恶毒的谎言简直是暗箭伤人。

    Such a vicious lie could be nothing but a stab in the back .

  20. 你应当反击这种恶毒的污蔑。

    You ought to kick back at such malicious slander .

  21. 那些恶毒的谣言损坏了她的好名声。

    The malicious rumours compromised her good fame .

  22. 他们声称他运用了恶毒的魔法使他们遭受不幸。

    They claimed that he had inflicted bad fortune on them through evil magic .

  23. 外面下着无情的雨,不断地下着,简直跟通人性那样凶狠而恶毒。

    Outside , the pitiless rain fell , fell steadily , with a fierce malignity that was all too human .

  24. 他恶毒地盯着那个蜷缩成一团的嫌疑犯

    He turned his baleful glare on the cowering suspect .

  25. 他内心生出一阵恶毒的嫉妒。

    A dark jealousy stirred in his bosom .

  26. 他们为什么对我如此恶毒?

    Why are they so malevolent to me ?

  27. 她的话里充满着恶毒的咒骂。

    Her talk was full of vile curses .

  28. 我们决不能让他的恶毒阴谋得逞。

    We must thwart his malevolent schemes .

  29. 这个恶毒的盗窃狂最终在失去他冷战时期的西方赞助者之后被推翻。

    The vicious kleptomaniac was eventually overthrown after losing his cold war sponsors in the west .

  30. 让每一篇演讲都来谈自由和道德之美,都来谈奴役和邪恶之丑陋、卑鄙和恶毒。

    Let every declamation turn upon the beauty of liberty and virtue , and the deformity , turpitude , and malignity of slavery and vice .