
è yùn
  • bad luck;misfortune;ill luck;misadventure
恶运 [è yùn]
  • [bad luck] 坏的运气

  • 交了恶运

恶运[è yùn]
  1. 对于我们的恶运我们只能哭泣。

    We could not but weep at our bad luck .

  2. 对印度人来说,猫头鹰是恶运的象征!

    To an Indian , the owl is a symbol for bad luck !

  3. 35不良的婚姻,恶运的源泉。

    35 An ill marriage is a spring of ill fortune .

  4. 他们只觉得恶运正追着他们。

    They know but too well the evil fate which follows them .

  5. 悲叹某人的死[自己的恶运]

    Wail a person 's death [ one 's fate ]

  6. 今年没有出现“紫色通道的恶运”。

    There was no Purple Tunnel of Doom this year .

  7. 我悲叹自己的烂成绩为自己的不幸[恶运]悲叹

    I grieve over my bad grade . wail over one 's misfortunes

  8. 如果我将把一片虹彩铺盖在他们那夕阳西沉似的恶运上;

    if I shall spread a rainbow over his disastrous set of sun ;

  9. 古人认为梦可以预示吉兆和恶运。

    Ancient Chinese people thought that dreams can imply auspicious and inauspicious things .

  10. 虽然历经恶运,那位建筑师仍赢得全球的美名。

    Despite adversity , the architect achieved worldwide fame .

  11. 那一张臭嘴站在那儿满嘴喷粪,只能带来更多恶运。

    That foul mouth stands there bringing more ill fortune with his blasphemies .

  12. 最初,一个年轻的孩子曼诺林和他一起分担恶运。

    At first a young boy , manolin , had shared his bad fortune .

  13. 打碎镜子会带来年恶运。

    To break a mirror brings seven years .

  14. 许多人认为最新的数据是财政恶运的预兆。

    The latest figures are seen by many to be harbingers of financial doom .

  15. 但是对于一队打捞专家来说却是交上恶运的开始。

    Or , in the case of one team of salvage experts , unfortunate enough .

  16. 他命中注定走恶运。

    He was doomed to ill fortune .

  17. 《雷雨》对人类恶运的思考

    Seeing human 's bad luck from thunderstorm

  18. 无论他做什么,恶运总是纠缠着他。

    Misfortune pursued him whatever he did .

  19. 谁就会交上恶运;

    He will have bad luck ;

  20. 据说,谁要是触摸了这棵树,谁就会交上恶运;

    It is said that if anyone touches the tree , he will have bad luck ;

  21. 在那么多恶运后,或许很快就会好转了。

    After all this bad luck , it will probably take a turn for the better soon .

  22. 象征孩子摆脱恶运和灾难,将来能够快乐成长。

    The dolls symbolize that children may keep out of disasters and bad lucks , growing up happily .

  23. 你说,我用手去摸蛇皮,那是会遭到世界上最倒霉的恶运的。

    You said it was the worst bad luck in the world to touch a snake-skin with my hands .

  24. 恶运的迷信:打碎的玻璃,走在梯子下,黑猫,踩在裂口上。

    Bad Luck : breaking a mirror , walking under a ladder , black cat , step on a crack .

  25. 如今,官方规定猎狐属非法行为,但反对者声称这仅仅是一个幌子,许多狐狸仍旧难逃被猎杀的恶运。

    Now , it is officially illegal , but opponents claim this is simply a front and that many real foxes are still hunted .

  26. 他又喝了一口白兰地,晃晃他那长着浅色头发的大脑袋,像一个等待恶运临头的人一样。

    And he took another swallow of the brandy , shaking his great fair head like a man who looks forward to the worst .

  27. 是一种巧合还是月亮宝石的恶运导致生日晚宴的紧张和奇怪事情发生的呢?

    Is it coincidence or is it the Moonstone 's bad luck that causes tension and strange things that happen during the rest of the evening ?

  28. 我经历了每一世的好运和恶运,及每一世的死亡,又一再地投生。

    I lived through again the good and bad fortune of each life and my death in each life , and came to life again and again .

  29. 以前人们相信新年天的位客人将给那一年的其余带来好运或者恶运。

    It was once believed that the first visitor on New Year 's Day would bring either good luck or bad luck for the rest of the year .

  30. 最近,通常来说人们新郎在举行仪式之前看到新娘是不吉利的,而且面纱被是恶运的方法。

    More recently , it is often considered unlucky for the groom to see the bride prior the ceremony and the veil was considered the means of avoiding bad luck .