
  • 网络isolde;Ysolde
  1. 伊索德和他的使女布莱格温与特利斯特拉姆同船前往康沃尔。

    Isoud and her maid Bragwaine returned with Tristram by ship to Cornwall .

  2. 行前伊索德的母亲给布莱格温一瓶药水,要她送给马克国王。

    Bragwaine had received from Isoud 's mother a magic liquid to be given to King Mark .

  3. 特利斯特拉姆和伊索德发现了这瓶药水,并不知道其效用,就一起喝了下去。

    On the voyage Tristram and Isoud found the liquid and drank it without knowing its effect .

  4. 当船返回时,他的妻子白手的伊索德出于妒忌,谎称来船悬黑帆。

    When the ship returned , however , his jealous wife told him the sail was black .

  5. 他派人去请爱尔兰的伊索德为他疗伤。

    Feeling that he was dying , he sent for Isoud of Ireland to come to cure him .

  6. 特利斯特拉姆到布列塔尼作战时,又爱上了另一个叫伊索德的女人(白手的伊索德)。

    While fighting in Brittany , Tristram fell in love with another Isoud ( Isou the White Hand ) and married her .

  7. 过了一段时间,马克国王出于妒忌,派特利斯特拉姆去爱尔兰代他向伊索德求婚,想假他人之手除掉特利斯特拉姆。

    After a time , King Mark , who felt jealous of Tristram and wanted to get rid of him , sent him to Ireland to ask for him the hand of Isoud .

  8. 他被送往爱尔兰疗伤,由于他善弹竖琴,受到爱尔兰国王的善待,国王叮嘱女儿伊索德特别看护他。

    He was sent to Ireland to be cured of his wound . Owing to his skill with the harp the king of Ireland kindly received him and told his daughter Isoud ( Isolt or Isolde ) to take care of him .