
  1. 我给伊丝的好友兼合伙人菲利普崔西(PhilipTreacy)打电话,结果他也很关注此事,当就我的计划征求他意见时,他很是宽慰。

    I called Philip Treacy , Issie 's great friend and collaborator , and it turned out that he had been extremely concerned , and when I asked him his opinion of my plan , he was terribly relieved .

  2. 从伊丝眼神看来她永远和我在一起。

    The expression in esther 's eyes has stayed with me always .

  3. 伊丝走了,他说。

    Issie was dead , he said .

  4. 今年7月,刘烨和他的法国摄影师女友安娜伊丝正式结婚,二人亲吻调笑的照片不久便公开流传了。

    In July , Liu Ye married French photographer Anais Martane and photos were soon released showing them kissing and flirting .

  5. 但他那爱嘀咕的妻子埃卢伊丝很快就开始怀疑他去访问鲁奥农庄的真正原因。

    But this whining wife . hitloise , soon began to suspect the true reason for his visits to the Rouault farm .

  6. 然而,伊丝越来越难以理喻她周围的世界,坦率地说,我对此完全同意。

    Still , Issie understood the world around her less and less , and , frankly , I cannot disagree with that .