
  • 网络INAX;ina
  1. 那么在目前播放的AldnoahZero重,你觉得你和伊奈帆之间的联系是什么?

    In Aldnoah Zero , whichis currently airing , what do you think is your connection to Inaho ?

  2. 伊奈甚至计划邀请日本歌手兼作曲家KanaUemura为世博游客表演她的民谣卫浴之王(TheToiletGod)。

    The company even plans to fly in Japanese singer-songwriter Kana Uemura to treat Expo audiences to her ballad , The Toilet God .

  3. 但伊奈帆这个角色最后呈现出来的,其实和我写的不大一样。

    Butin fact Inaho 's character is different than what I wrote .

  4. 约旦的扎伊奈太后旅欧返国时,行李中也装着一个呼拉圈。

    Queen Mother Zaine of Jordan , returning from a visit to Europe , included a hula in her luggage .

  5. 为了一个大公司员工关系经理职位面试的伊奈兹要突出她团队合作和引导别人成功的能力。

    Interviewing for a Manager of Employee Relations position in a large company , Inez emphasized her ability to work in teams and to coach others to success .

  6. 伊奈公司秉承“追求卓越质量”的公司理念,制造具有极高质量的产品,对每项工作的每一个环节臻与完美,同时帮助缔造优美的环境。

    With the company principle " pursue of quality excellence ," INAX creates products of superior quality , pursues quality in every aspect of every job , and generates an environmental aesthetic .