
  • 网络porcelain;Porcelain tile
  1. 利用高铁砂岩质煤矸石制备瓷质砖的研究

    The preparation of porcelain brick by coal gangue of iron-rich sandstone

  2. 瓷质砖湿坯对流干燥过程的传热传质研究

    Heat and mass transfer inside porcelain tiles during convective drying process

  3. BP神经网络对快烧瓷质砖烧成工况辩识的研究

    Study on the identification in fast firing process of external wall tiles by means of the BP artifical neural network

  4. 本文借助XRD、SEM等分析手段,从试样的白度、吸水率、收缩率及维氏硬度的变化情况探讨了透辉石的掺加对瓷质砖瓷化性能的影响。

    The whiteness , water absorption , contraction and hardness of the samples with varied amount of diopside addition have been tested . Effect of diopside addition upon the properties of porcelain tile has been studied by XRD and SEM analysis .

  5. 仿花岗岩瓷质砖用大颗粒制备工艺技术

    The Technology and Technique of Granulation to Porcelain Tile Imitation Granite

  6. 泥质粉砂岩;赤泥制作瓷质砖黑色颗粒料的研究

    Pelitic siltstone . Black Ceramic Pigment Synthesized with Red Mud

  7. 辊道窑生产瓷质砖烧成过程的计算机仿真

    Computer simulation of the firing process of ceramic tile in roller kiln

  8. 利用铜矿渣生产瓷质砖的研究

    Study How to Make Use of Copper Ashes to Produce Ceramic Tile

  9. 仿石瓷质砖包裹颗粒的制备新工艺

    Enwrapped Granules New Technology of the Imitation Rock Porcelain Tiles

  10. 大颗粒瓷质砖新型湿法造粒工艺设备的研究

    Study on the wet granulating technological equipment for large grained porcelain tile

  11. 一种仿微晶玻璃面瓷质砖的研制

    Development of a kind of ceramic tile with similar devitrified glass plane

  12. 浅谈湿法球磨瓷质砖坯料的研磨介质选材

    The principles of choosing grinding media for wet milling porcelain tile body

  13. 断裂模数是瓷质砖产品的重要性能指标。

    Rupture modulus is one of the important properties for porcelain tiles .

  14. 仿石瓷质砖包裹颗粒制备工艺及其生产的研究

    The Enwrapped Granules Technology of the Imitation Rock Porcelain Tiles and Its Production

  15. 瓷质砖抛光机磨削效率分析

    Analysis of grinding efficiency of ceramic tile polishing machine

  16. 新型高分子增强剂在瓷质砖中的应用

    Study on the Application of the New Macromolecule Reinforcing Agent on Porcelain Body

  17. 地产原料生产白色坯体瓷质砖的研究

    Research on producing the white body glazed tile by using the local raw materials

  18. 大规格梦幻晶莹瓷质砖

    Dream and Crystal-like Procelain Brick in Large Size

  19. 利用湖泊底泥和粉煤灰制备瓷质砖的实验研究

    Experimental Studies on Porcelain Brick Preparation Using Lake Bottom Sediments and Coal Fly Ash

  20. 瓷质砖放射性水平分类控制程序探讨

    Discussion of porcelain tile radioactivity levels control procedure

  21. 透辉石在研制瓷质砖中的应用研究

    Application Study of diopside in porcelain tiles

  22. 瓷质砖透明生料釉的研制

    Develop Transparent Raw Glaze of Porcelain Tile

  23. 瓷质砖裂纹缺陷分析

    Analysis on the vitreous tile cracks

  24. 砂质高岭土在玻化砖中应用的研究仿花岗岩瓷质砖用大颗粒制备工艺技术

    Study of Utilizing Sandy Kaoline in Glassy Tile The Technology and Technique of Granulation to Porcelain Tile Imitation Granite

  25. 以普通瓷质砖坯料配方为基础配方,引入熟铝矾土研制符合超薄瓷质砖性能要求的高强坯料配方。

    On the base of ordinary porcelain tile , sintered bauxite was introduced to fabricate super-thin porcelain body with high strength .

  26. 本文通过生产各个环节,分别讨论了影响瓷质砖断裂模数的因素,为瓷质砖断裂模数的提高提供了解决思路。

    Factors influencing the rupture modulus were discussed in this article . Also , methods were provided for improving the rupture modulus .

  27. 据报导,该公司是保加利亚第一家集墙砖、地砖、瓷质砖和三次烧成为一体的瓷砖生产商。

    The company is reportedly the first producer in the country to produce wall , floor , porcelain and third firing tiles .

  28. 瓷质砖的色差是影响产品质量的一个常见问题,且影响因素繁多。

    The chromatism flaw of tile is a common problem in influencing the quality of product and there are mant factors about it .

  29. 煤矸石瓷质砖是以煤矸石为主要原料制备的瓷质墙地砖。

    Coal gangue porcelain brick ( CGPB ) is a kind of porcelain tiles that is prepared from coal gangue as main raw material .

  30. 与相关标准对照可知,制品的主要研发方向为无釉陶瓷地砖、无釉瓷质砖和釉面内墙砖。

    According to correlative standard , the reference developing direction of ceramic is tile used in making floors and tile without glaze and glazed interior tile .