
  • Zlatan Ibrahimovic;Ibb;Eevee
  1. 他已经赢得了来自世界冠军教练里皮的赞美,银狐已经将这名意大利青年才俊和伊布相提并论了。

    He has earned praise from World Cup winning coach Marcello lippi , who compared the Azzurrini man with Zlatan ibrahimovic .

  2. 米兰和尤文同样对乌拉圭前锋卡瓦尼感兴趣,他被视为新的伊布,可能会和他的同胞一起打包交易。

    Milan and Juve are also interested in Uruguayan striker Edison cavani , who is considered by some as the new Zlatan Ibrahimovic and might be included in a deal with his fellow countryman .

  3. AC米兰主场作战,完全占据优势。他们在第七分钟由诺切里诺接伊布妙传率先破门。第65分钟,伊布进球锁定胜局。

    Ibrahimovic , however , made amends in the 64th minute , when the striker picked up a cross and hammered a powerful volley into the net .

  4. 0307号台风伊布都进入南海后一度西北偏西方向移动,但登陆前12h,移向突然折向西北,特别是登陆前3h移径明显北翘,直向偏北方向移动。

    Typhoon " IMBUDO " once moved on a steady west-to-northwest track after entering South China Sea , but made an abrupt turn to the northwest , 12 hours before landfall , then further turned to the north , 3 hours before landfall .

  5. 南海对于台风伊布都响应的数值计算

    Numerical calculation of the response of the south China sea to typhoon imbudo

  6. 伊布都台风影响云南的暴雨过程分析

    Analyses of A Yunnan Rainstorm Process Influenced by the " Imbudo " Typhoon

  7. 不过今晚,巴萨并不需要伊布这个支点。

    Tonight , however , the focal point Ibrahimovic offers was not needed .

  8. 0307号台风伊布都影响广西南部暴雨的数值模拟及诊断分析

    Numerical simulation and diagnostic analysic of the southern rainstorm of 0307 Typhoon Imbudo influencing Guangxi

  9. 伊布与卡卡对他们球队能否取胜起着至关重要的作用。

    Both Ibra and Kaka have a profound impact on the success of their teams .

  10. 伊布是否离开国米,目前还不明朗。

    The torments of Zlatan on its future in nerazzurro do not leave the Inter indifferent .

  11. 笑伊布真的强的给我留下了很深的印象。

    Smiles Ibra has really impressed me a lot because he 's so , so strong .

  12. 伊布,天堂和地狱是自己选的,北看台可以是最好的天堂。

    Zlatan , Heaven and hell is choice yourself , North bank is the best heaven .

  13. 伊布占据了梅西的空间,这比国际米兰派任何人去盯防梅西都要管用得多。

    Ibrahimovic taking up Messi 's space did a better job for Inter than a man-marking brief ever could .

  14. 只能认为卡佩罗有意演练特雷和伊布的组合,让他们更加默契。

    I can only think that Capello is trying to force Trez and Zlatan to gel even better upfront .

  15. 阿莱格里暗示说,伊布的可能到来不会给他的赛季计划造成什么改变。

    Massimiliano Allegri hinted Ibrahimovic 's possible arrival wouldn 't make a difference to his plans for the season .

  16. 饭后,加利亚尼给了记者们一个被谈论了一万年的回答,他确认俱乐部将要抢购伊布。

    Galliani then gave the press a bellyful of answers that confirm the club 's will to snap up the star .

  17. 曼城也在保持着对于交易伊布的热情,然而来自意大利的声音预示,瑞典前锋本人还是期望回到意甲联赛的舞台的。

    Manchester City are also keeping tabs on developments , but voices in Italy suggest the striker would prefer a Serie A return .

  18. 而米兰人却想要实现伊布和博帝之间的交换租借,因为米兰人的口袋里实在淘不出足够转会的现金,巴萨看起来对于接受米兰的建议显得十分的抗拒。

    Milan want a swap loan deal between'Ibra'and Marco Borriello as they cannot afford a cash transfer , but the Catalans seem reluctant to take the Italian .

  19. 伊布经纪人认为伊布想去巴萨这件事存在可能,因为瑞典人想要有更多在欧冠赛场上踢球的机会。

    And the d.t.Mark Branch takes position on the case of the Swede who is tried from Barcelona in order to try more fortune also in Cham-pions League .

  20. 一位女员工被人们成为伊布·达维阿姨,可以告诉你各种各样关于古典艺术的建议与消息。

    A staffer , Ibu ( Aunt ) Dwi , as she is called , is a font of advice and news on all of the classical forms .

  21. 热带气旋前进方向两侧海滩风暴效应差异研究&以海滩对0307号台风伊布都的响应为例

    Study on the Difference Between Storm Effects of Beaches on Two Sides of the Tropical Cyclone Track & Taking the Responses of Beaches to No.0307 Typhoon Imbudo as an Example

  22. 伊布的经纪人很清楚的表达的伊布不准备接受租借的意愿,并且说永久转会将立刻促成交易的完成。

    Ibrahimovic 's agent has made it clear his client was not prepared to move on loan and said only a permanent deal could lift the transfer off the ground .

  23. 我们作出这样的决定(同时上两个前锋)是因为克鲁斯更接近伊布的风格,而克雷斯波则是那种抓住每个机会把球送进球网的人。

    We decided this way because Cruz is closer to Ibrahimovic , while Crespo is someone who puts the ball in the back of the net every time he gets the chance .

  24. 上个月莫拉蒂和拉波尔塔在巴塞罗那会面并且讨论了埃托奥和伊布的问题,并且就两位球员将不会转会而各自留在自己俱乐部里达成了一致。

    Only last month Moratti and Laporta met in Barcelona and discussed Eto'o and Ibrahimovic and agreed that there would be no movement and the two players would remain with their current clubs .

  25. 我们去年夏天差点连同伊布一起拿下赞布罗塔的,但我们没有签署他们,因为我们不能确定是否参加欧冠联赛,他补充。

    " We went for Zambrotta along with Zlatan Ibrahimovic last summer , but we couldn 't sign them as we were not sure of our place in the Champions League ," he added .

  26. 就在体育场还没有开放之前,就已经有一些球迷聚集在场外,他们迫切的等待着参加俱乐部的最新引援伊布的亮相仪式。

    Hours before the Camp Nou opened , there were already several fans gathered on the forecourt outside the stadium , all waiting to attend the presentation of the club 's latest acquisition , Ibrahimovic .

  27. 很多人都在强调着伊布队国米的重要性,这是当然的事实。但是在我的心目中,坎比亚索同等重要,特别是在意甲联赛之中。

    Many people talk of the importance of Zlatan Ibrahimovic to Inter , and this is very true , however in my opinion Cambiasso is equally vital to the Nerazzurri machine , particularly in Serie A.

  28. “我认为他们在某种程度上还配冠军,但是令我生气的是我竟然看到前队友‘伊布垃圾莫为奇’也在庆祝的行列中,”内德维德在星期二说。

    " I think they deserved to win on the pitch , but I cannot hide that I was sad to see some former teammates like Zlatan Ibrahimovic celebrate like that ," said Nedved on Tuesday .

  29. 因此本论文着眼于使用各种观测资料和数值模拟结果对台风伊布都(2003)和台风云娜(2004)的结构和强度变化进行探讨。

    Thus , the main focuses of the present thesis are on studying the changes of TC structure and intensity by using all available data and numerical modeling . Typhoon Imbudo ( 2003 ) made two landfalls in Luzon and Guangdong Province , respectively .