
è guǐ
  • evil spirit;(Budd) evil spirit;(abuse) devil;devil;demon
恶鬼 [è guǐ]
  • (1) [(Budd) evil spirit]∶迷信指残害人的鬼魅

  • (2) [(abuse) devil]∶恶棍

  • 讨厌的恶鬼,又找上门来了

恶鬼[è guǐ]
  1. 我现在被恶鬼上身了!

    I 'm possessed with by an evil spirit now !

  2. 你也许会把恶鬼邀请到家中。

    You might just be inviting an evil spirit into your home .

  3. 为您介绍这期封面的内容:共和党候选人MITTROMNEY,RickSantorum,RonPaul和NewtGingrich作为漫画角色(钢铁侠,浩克和绿色恶鬼)登场。

    Introducing the current crop of GOP candidates Mitt Romney , Rick Santorum , Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich as comic book characters ( featuring appearances from Iron Man , the Hulk and the Green Goblin ) .

  4. 这使我想起了掘墓的恶鬼,白痴和狂人的嚎叫。

    It reminded me of ghouls and idiots and insane howlings .

  5. 灾祸,现在同时可将降低恶鬼缠身的施法时间。

    Bane now reduces the cast time of your Haunt spell .

  6. 大火摧毁了房子以及里面的恶鬼。

    The fire destroys the house and the evil ghosts inside .

  7. 无论你是良魂或恶鬼。

    Be thou a spirit of health or goblin damned .

  8. 在夜里找上你的恶鬼。

    The spook who goes bump in your night .

  9. 一种咒语,将恶鬼挡在门外

    They 're a charmused to keep the evil spirits fromentering the house .

  10. 去残暴的人土墩(62,67)的恶鬼正义北部。

    Go to the goblin just north of the ogre mound ( 62,67 ) .

  11. 我不是跟一个恶鬼结的婚!

    I did unoot mmarry Aun evil mmaun !

  12. 他拒绝透露任何保护总统免受恶鬼袭击的措施。

    He declined to discuss any measures to protect the president from a malevolent ghost .

  13. 于是他们点起冲天的篝火,并严密监视这些恶鬼。

    So they lit the sky of fire , and close surveillance of these evil spirits .

  14. “他比疯子还糟糕&他是一个恶鬼!”狱卒答道。

    " He is worse than that , & he is a devil !" returned the turnkey .

  15. 现在,因为恶鬼不会游泳,他们想出了一个拦住她的好办法。

    Now , because oni do not swim , they thought of a plan to stop her .

  16. 他们相信,游魂和恶鬼是不会纠缠上那些给它们食物、安抚它们的家庭的。

    with the belief that the restless and evil spirits won 't come after the families that feed and appease them .

  17. 为了把恶鬼骗得更久,他们去新家之前没有对老房子进行清理。

    To trick the spirits even further , they don 't clean up behind them before leaving for their new home .

  18. 春节放烟花爆竹的风俗起源于中国一个古老的传统:举着点着的竹子游行驱赶恶鬼坏运气。

    Fireworks displays during Chinese New Year stem from a custom of lighting bamboo stalks on fire to ward off evil spirits .

  19. 狼人深知那些潜伏于阴影的恶鬼,知道那些人类不了解甚至不认识的可怖造物。

    Werewolves are aware of sinister things lurking in the shadows , horrible creatures mankind simply does not understand * or even recognize .

  20. 也只有到那个时候,恶鬼才意识到他们的房主已经搬家了,这个时候追踪他们已经为时已晚。

    Only then will the spirits realize their original and unwilling landlords have moved , by which time it 'll be too late to follow them .

  21. 在鬼、神的分类整理中,将鬼分为善鬼、恶鬼、戏谑鬼、厉鬼。

    In the classification of devils , and god , finishing in a demon into good ghost , devils , and the evil spirit , LiGui banter .

  22. 还有被恶鬼所附、被疾病所累、已经治好的几个妇女,内中有称为抹大拉的马利亚,曾有七个鬼从她身上赶出来;

    2and also some women who had been cured of evil spirits and diseases : Mary ( called Magdalene ) from whom seven demons had come out ;

  23. 每逢新年,处于蒙昧时期的古人,利用燃烧竹节发出的响声,惊吓和驱逐他们想象中的所谓恶鬼。

    On New Year 's days , ancient ignorant people burned bamboo , which made loud noise , to scare and drive away their imaginary so-called devils .

  24. 由于在当时医疗技术落后,因恶鬼造成疫病的看法十分普遍,祈祷逐疫去病的仪式也十分盛行,这反映了天命禳灾的思想。

    It was generally thought that evils brought epidemic because of the poor medical technology , and the ceremony of getting rid of this epidemic was popular .

  25. 这时觉得那钟馗,那恶鬼,姑姑和兰花,连同我们自己俩,都成了鬼故事中的人物了。

    I had the feeling that Zhongkui , the ghost , Second Aunt , Orchid and the two of us were all characters out of a ghost story .

  26. 甚至有人从保罗身上拿手巾,或围裙,放在病人身上,病就退了,恶鬼也出去了。

    So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons , and the diseases departed from them , and the evil spirits went out of them .

  27. 举个例子,人们认为当你搬新家的时候,老房子的恶鬼会跟着你一起住进来。

    For example , it is believed that when you move into a new home , the evil spirits and ghosts from the old home move right in with you .

  28. 据说这样能摆脱恶鬼,恶鬼会误以为他们没有搬家,直到人们在新家安定下来。

    It is said that this throws the evil ghost guys off track , making them think they haven 't moved , until they 're firmly established in the new house .

  29. 恶鬼所附的人,就跳在他们身上,胜了其中二人,制伏他们,叫他们赤着身子受了伤,从那房子里逃出去了。

    And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them , and overcame them , and prevailed against them , so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded .

  30. 每个月都有几天是“平安日”,那个时候恶鬼不在或者不会注意,韩国的搬家公司常常把这些日子在日历上画上标记。

    There are certain " safe " days every month , when the evil spirits are not present or not paying attention , and Korean removal companies will often mark these days on their calendars .