
ān xī
  • rest;at rest;rest in peace;go to sleep;rest and relax
安息 [ān xī]
  • (1) [go to sleep;rest and relax]∶平静地休息

  • (2) [rest in peace]∶安静地休息--对死者表示哀悼的用语

  • 烈士们,安息吧!

安息[ān xī]
  1. 愿她安息。

    May she rest in peace .

  2. 愿他安息吧。

    May he rest in peace .

  3. 纪念安息日,守为圣日。

    Remember the Sabbath day , to keep it holy .

  4. 他在烈士陵园安息着。

    He lies at rest in the Martyrs ' Cemetery .

  5. 让他的灵魂安息吧!

    May his soul rest in peace !

  6. 烈士们,安息吧!

    May the martyrs rest in peace !

  7. 在周围街道的熙攘喧嚣中,那座教堂却是一座宁静的安息所。

    The church was a quiet haven amidst the noise and bustle of the streets outside .

  8. 我妻长眠此地需要静寂!她已驾鹤西归我亦安息。

    Here lies wife : here let her lie ! now she 's at rest , and so am I.

  9. 安息茴香油超临界CO2萃取及微胶囊包埋技术研究

    Studies on Supercritical CO_2 Extraction and Micro-encapsulation Technology of Cumin Oil

  10. 庆祝pedanticobservanceoftherules墨守成规演讲者倡导放宽安息日的严格规定。

    The speaker advocated a less austere observance of the Sabbath .

  11. 上面写着愿你安息露营地Timmy别担心外公只是来露营的

    It says Rest in Peace Campground . Don 't worry , Timmy , grandpa is just camping .

  12. 研究者从美国各地的基督复临安息日会(Seventh-dayAdventist)招募了77659名男女。

    Researchers recruited 77,659 men and women from Seventh-day Adventist churches nationwide .

  13. 罗马天主教(8.9%)、神召(AssembliesofGod)(4%)和七日基督安息日教徒(Seventh-dayAdventists)(2.9%)也很重要。

    Roman Catholics ( 8.9 % ), the Assemblies of God ( 4 % ), and Seventh-day Adventists ( 2.9 % ) are also significant .

  14. 几周前,他的祖父离世,他于是在AfireLove中写到,如果你坠落而亡,愿天堂成为你的安息之地,令人心碎。

    Weeks before his grandfather passed away , Ed wrote Afire Love with the heartbreaking words , And if you fell to your death today , I hope that heaven is your resting place .

  15. 这个事件引发了人们关于伊万卡·特朗普(IvankaTrump)的犹太人身份能否在以色列全境获得认可的怀疑。去年,她在接受《Vogue》杂志采访时表示,她和丈夫“严格遵守”教规,持守犹太洁食和安息日规定。

    The case raises the question of whether Ivanka Trump - who said in a Vogue magazine interview last year that she and her husband were " pretty observant , " keeping kosher and the Jewish Sabbath - would be accepted as Jewish herself in all quarters in Israel .

  16. 愿上帝保佑他的记忆,使他安息。

    May God Bless his memory and keep him in peace .

  17. 高精度粉体安息角测定仪的设计

    Design of High Precision Measuring Apparatus for Stopping Angle of Powder

  18. 厌倦所有,我对安息呐喊。

    Tired with all these , for restful death I cry .

  19. 所以你们要守安息日,以为圣日。

    Observe the Sabbath , because it is holy to you .

  20. 这样看来,必另有一安息日的安息,为神的子民存留。

    There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God .

  21. 你再争他们也不肯违反安息日的规矩。

    No amount of arguing could make them break the sabbath .

  22. 就算死一千次我也无法安息

    Not even a thousand deaths could put my soul to rest

  23. 现在她安息了,她的痛苦也结束了。

    Now she is at peace and her suffering is over .

  24. 爱就会将它吹送,安息在你的发丝。

    Love will waft it till it settles on your hair .

  25. “她最终在繁星闪烁的天空下得到安息”

    " She rests at last beneath the starry skies . "

  26. 我是西安基督复临复临安息日会的一员。

    I am a member of Xi'an Sabbath Day Adventist church .

  27. 英语安息日学:上午9:30开始在副堂举行。

    English Sabbath School begins at 9:30 am in the Chapel .

  28. 愿你安息我的朋友愿你安息

    Rest in peace , my friend . Rest in peace .

  29. 现在我知道了,我丈夫已经安息了。

    Now I know that my husband is at peace .

  30. 愿邪恶之旅让你安息。

    May flights of devils wing you to your rest .