
  • 【人名】Antone
  1. 厨师安东用龙虾和芦笋搭配,制作出了一道口感很好的菜肴。

    Anton the chef concocts a sensual coupling of lobster and asparagus

  2. 安东成功地从拉文调到了一家美国公司。

    Anton was able to transfer from Lavine 's to an American company .

  3. 现担任该片联席执行制片人的安东圭对“中国实时报栏目”(ChinaRealTime)说,在1999年阅读了韩文版《许三观卖血记》后,他飞往北京与余华见面。

    Mr. Ahn , now the film 's co-executive producer , told China Real Time that he flew to Beijing to meet with Mr. Yu after he read the novel 's Korean translation in 1999 .

  4. 比伯,黑眼豆豆史奇雷克斯正像是EDM界的Jay-Z,如同Jay-Z一手捧红了蕾哈娜,史奇雷克斯让安东?斯拉夫斯(别名Zedd)大红大紫。

    Like Jay-Z made Rihanna into a superstar , Skrillex guided Zedd to the spotlight .

  5. 当时在巴伐利亚科学与人文学院(BavarianAcademyofSciencesandHumanities)负责该项目的学者名叫安东•施皮塔勒(AntonSpitaler),他曾声称相关文档毁于英国轰炸。

    The scholar running the project at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities back then , Anton Spitaler , had claimed the archive was destroyed in the British bombing .

  6. 更让人不解的是持反对意见的安东??斯卡利亚(AntoninScalia)法官的论调。

    More puzzling yet was the tone of the other dissent , by Antonin Scalia .

  7. 安东圭指定由演员转型做导演的河正宇(HaJung-woo)执导该片并为影片挑选强大的韩国影星阵容。

    Mr. Ahn has tapped Ha Jung-woo , a Korean actor turned director , to helm the film and assembled cast of Korean film stars .

  8. 她后来回忆起他临终时的情形:“安东坐得异常地笔直,用洪亮且清晰的声音说(虽然他基本不会说德语):‘Ichsterbe.(我要死了。)

    Later she recalled his dying moments : " Anton sat up unusually straight and said loudly and clearly ( although he knew almost no German ) : ' Ich sterbe ( I 'm dying )

  9. 笔者向该公司项目经理安东&12539;松塔格(AntonSonntag)询问他认为这款车能卖出多少时,他耸了耸肩,答道:大家想买多少就能卖多少。

    When I asked project manager Anton Sonntag how many he thought the company could sell , he shrugged and said : ' As many as people will buy . '

  10. 美食评论家安东?依考很难对付。

    The food critic Anton ego is hard to deal with .

  11. 安东,知道我是来干吗的吧,呃?

    Anton , get the man what he came for , huh ?

  12. 有人想用远程控制的枪来袭击安东。

    Someone tries to attack Anton using remote controlled guns .

  13. 你骗得了安东,但骗不了我。

    You may fool ando , but you do not fool me .

  14. 安东的工作室店面提供了许多原始的粘土之一的一类乐句。

    Anton 's studio storefront offers many original one-of-a-kind riffs in clay .

  15. 你杀了一个黑暗军团的人,安东。

    You 've killed a dark one , anton .

  16. 我先生是安东大学的教授。

    My husband 's a professor at Andong university .

  17. 现在是个混混就带家伙了,安东。

    Every little punk is carrying now , Anton .

  18. 这就是我的方法,安东!

    This is how I did it , Anton .

  19. 他也快要得安东失明症了。

    He 'll be in anton 's blindness soon .

  20. 欢欣庆祝巴拿马安东山谷极好的鸟类生活。

    Mark Cocker delights in the stunning birdlife of Panama 's Anton Valley .

  21. 弘,你和安东不是到美国度假了吗?

    Hiro , arenot u and Ando supposed to be on vacation in america ?

  22. 安东:我们需要额外支付费用才能预订座位。

    Anton : And we have to pay another fee to reserve a seat .

  23. 最后的守护者出现了,但是安东不为所动。

    The Final Watch appears , but Anton will not be bothered with them .

  24. 安东:我很高兴听到你这样说,因为我也看不懂!

    Anton : I 'm glad you said that , because neither do I !

  25. 安东•伊苟:我想将你的心用口水烤熟了拿来吃。

    Anton Ego : I believe I will have your heart roasted on a spit .

  26. 安东说,实际上这种做法在该公司已经根深蒂固。

    In fact , the practice goes fairly deep into the organization , Anton says .

  27. 我今天下午碰到安东了

    I ran lnto Anton thls afternoon .

  28. 听说那个安东的事了吗?

    You hear about your pal Anton ?

  29. 鸭绿江流域森林资源与安东县木材中心市场的形成(1876&1928)

    The Yalu River Basin Forest Resources and the Formation of Wood Central Market of Anton ;

  30. 最后的守护者忙于战斗的时候,安东来到了第六层。

    While the Final Watch is busy fighting it , Anton gets to the sixth level .