
  • 网络Installation and commissioning;debug
  1. 宜都换流站GIS安装调试期间出现的缺陷分析

    Analysis and Treatment of GIS Defects During the Installation & Commissioning in Yidu

  2. 数控插齿机NUM数控系统的安装调试

    Installation and Adjustment of NUM Numerical Control System in Gear Cutting Machine

  3. GIS设备安装调试中发现的两类主要问题及分析处理

    Two Main Kinds of Problem and its Analysis / Treatment in Installing and Testing GIS

  4. 高炉7000m~3/min轴流风机安装调试经验

    Experience on installing and testing 7000m  ̄ 3 / min Sulzer axial blower of the blast furnace

  5. VS型垂直摆倾斜仪的安装调试与标定要点

    Keys of installing and Regulating Model vs tiltmeter

  6. 硬件设计包括原理图、PCB版图设计和硬件安装调试。

    The hardware design includes the schematics , PCB layout design and hardware debugging .

  7. 直接抽取式CEMS安装调试中应注意的问题

    Some attentive problems in installation and shakedown of direct extraction CEMS

  8. 此外,本文还对连续式鼓泡塔反应器中试装备进行设计和安装调试,并采用反应器的一级反应动力学模型进行COD降解效果预测。

    Besides , the middle-scale equipment of continuous bubble column reactor was designed and installed , and the first-order kinetic model of reactor was built to forecast the COD degradation effect .

  9. GAF型矿用液压动叶可调轴流风机的安装调试

    Installation and Shakedown Test of GAF Hydraulic Moving Vane Adjustable Axial Fan for Mines

  10. 简要介绍了Globus项目及Globus支撑平台(也称Globus工具包),并就Globus支撑平台在Linux环境和Windows2000环境下的安装调试进行了详细的探讨。

    Analyses the Globus project and the Globus Platform ( or called Globus toolkits ), and explain the installation of the Globus under Linux and Windows environment .

  11. 通过仿真,讨论了不同控制参数对系统的影响,通过数据对比,优化了系统参数。最后,开发设计了PLC控制器,完成了PLC控制程序,并对系统进行安装调试。

    Then , discuss the influence for different parameters by simulating and optimize the system parameters by comparing the data ; Finally , the design of the PLC controller and program , and the installation debugging of the system have been finished .

  12. 叙述了大功率电力电子器件IGBT变频传动装置所使用的纯水循环冷却系统的原理,着重阐述了在安装调试过程中的经验和教训。

    The principle of the pure water circulation cooling system used for the IGBT converter driving device with large power is presented . The experience and lessons in mounting and commissioning are expounded in detail .

  13. 为了解决DCS系统结构复杂、维护性差、安装调试成本较高等缺点,本研究试图将基于PROFIBUS的FCS控制系统应用于自行小车系统。

    Since DCS has its shortnesses such as high complexity , difficult to maintain , high cost of installation and debugging . This research tries to apply FCS based on PROFIBUS in automation vehicle system .

  14. 介绍了宝钢集团一钢不锈钢板坯连铸现场采用德国MINIMAX公司的火灾自动报警设备系统的特点,并就该系统安装调试及其注意事项进行了阐述。

    The system characteristics of the automatic fire alarm products from Germany MINIMAX Co. being adopted in the stainless steel slab casting field engineering at the First Steel Plant of Baogang Group were introduced , and precautions about installing and commissioning were expounded .

  15. BSGT是一家在中国制药行业成功的提供冻干机生产制造、安装调试与售后服务的专业公司。

    BSGT is a successful company that has a proven track record in China for the supply , commissioning and servicing of pharmaceutical freeze drying equipment .

  16. 针对火电厂汽轮机监测保护系统(TSI)偶尔出现参数显示异常,但异常现象随时间的推移又消失的情况,介绍了TSI系统安装调试的要点。

    Directing against occurance of indicative parameters ' accidental abnormality and disappearing again with lapse of time in turbine supervisory instrument ( TSI ) system at thermal power plants , some key points for installing and debugging TSI system have been presented .

  17. 利用PC-1500袖珍计算机,构成一套在线数据采集与处理系统。该系统用于测定模拟反应器的液相停留时间分布,有测量精度高、安装调试容易、成本低和便于推广应用等优点。

    A data compilation and processing system for determining the liquid residence time distribution ( LRTD ) in simulated reactor is developed by the conductivity meter combined with PC-1500 . The system has the advantages of high preciseness , convenient installation and adjustment , low cost and extensive application etc.

  18. 多次重复试验的结果表明,该方法与以往人工读数方法相比具有测量精度高(<0.1mm)、测量处理速度快、自动化程度高、安装调试简单等优点。

    The repeated experiments proved this method , compared with the conventional manual data acquisition , has higher accuracy ( < 0.1mm ), greater speed of measurement and process , more automatic , simpler fixation and adjustment , etc.

  19. 介绍了国产Mini-MPM限动芯棒连轧管机组的研制情况,对其工艺和设备的关键技术进行了分析,结合生产实际提出了安装调试及试生产的主要工艺原则。

    This paper introduces the developing situation of mini mandrel retained MPM , analyses on the key technique of its process and equipment , and puts forward the main technical principles of installation , shakedown test and trial-production connecting with the productive practice .

  20. 真空变压吸附制氧装置工艺流程与安装调试

    The process , installation and commissioning of a VPSA oxygen plant

  21. 主机负荷指示器故障的应急处理及安装调试

    Trouble Emergency Measure and Mounting & Adjusting for ME Load Indicator

  22. 扫描质子微探针的安装调试及象差控制

    Installation , adjustment and aberration control of a scanning proton microprobe

  23. 该装置结构简单、安装调试方便。

    The structure is simple , installation and test is convenient .

  24. 智能变送器安装调试定额探讨

    Discussion on Norms for Installation and Commissioning of Intelligent Transmitter

  25. 制动液的知识液体电阻起动器的安装调试和使用

    Brake Fluid Show Commissioning and Application of Liquid Rheostatic Starter

  26. 进行现场安装调试,对大量车轮进行实际测量,采集实验数据,并进行误差分析。

    Fixing and debugging the instrument , making experiments and analyzing errors .

  27. 较详细地介绍了自动分线装置的具体结构和安装调试要点,对不同结构功能进行了对比。

    The structure , installation and adjustment of the equipment was introduced .

  28. 可逆锤击式碎煤机及附属设备的安装调试

    Installation and Commissioning of Reversible Hammer Crushers and Their Accessories

  29. 阐述主要监测设备和仪器的安装调试。

    Formulate installation and adjustment of main equipment and apparatus .

  30. 250×1400双流板坯连铸机的安装调试

    The erection and commissioning of 250 × 400 two-strand continuous slab caster