
  1. 康复治疗技术专业实践性教学探析

    Research on Practice Teaching in the Major of Rehabilitative Technology

  2. 方法采用综合康复治疗技术,并配合传统针刺疗法和按摩疗法,对病毒性脑炎肢体运动功能障碍患儿进行了临床对照性研究。

    Methods Comprehensive rehabilitation treatment , traditional acupuncture and massage were used .

  3. 加速康复治疗技术在剖宫产患者中的应用及疗效观察

    Application & effect observation of fast-track-surgery applied in cesarean section

  4. 浅谈高等职业教育康复治疗技术专业运动疗法学的课程建设

    Course Construction of Physical Therapy for Higher Vocational Education

  5. 未来5年北京市卫生事业机构对康复治疗技术岗位需求的预测

    Predicting the demand for rehabilitative therapists in Beijing health organizations in the coming 5 years

  6. 就业给岗位创业助资金我国康复治疗技术岗位需求预测研究

    Helping Women Find Employment and Obtain Funds A manpower need prediction to rehabilitation therapists in China

  7. 分期针刺配合康复治疗技术对急性期脑卒中患者运动功能的影响

    Staging Acupuncture in Combination with Rehabilitation Treatment Technique for the Recovery of Extremities Inferior Motor Function in the Patients with Acute Stroke

  8. 但主要以护理、药学、中药、医学检验、康复治疗技术、医药营销等医学相关类专业为主。

    But they are mainly focused on nursing , pharmacy , traditional Chinese medicine , medical testing , rehabilitation technology , and other medical-related professions . 4 .