
  • 网络cornwall;Cornish;Cornishman
  1. 她的团队由来自德文郡和康沃尔郡的孩子们组成。

    Her crew consisted of children from Devon and Cornwall .

  2. 然后,有一天,电话铃响了,康沃尔郡的海岸警卫队史蒂夫·特雷格问霍尔德是否喜欢他的狗叫。

    Then , one day , the phone rang and Steve Tregear , the coastguard of Cornwall , asked Holder if he would like his dog bark .

  3. 她在康沃尔郡波尔佩罗村当地的酒吧召集了第一次聚会,预计最多会有20人参加。

    She is expecting up to 20 people at the first meeting she has called , at her local pub in the Cornish village of Polperro .

  4. 英国临海的康沃尔郡有大批海外游客涌入也是因为BBC年代剧《波尔达克》。

    and the British seaside region of Cornwall has had an influx of international visitors thanks to the BBC period drama series Poldark .

  5. 本杰明•富兰克林(BenjaminFranklin)在1752年发现了电,理查德•特里维西克(RichardTrevithick)制造的蒸汽机车PuffingDevil于1801年在康沃尔郡上路。

    Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity in 1752 and Richard Trevithick 's car , the Puffing Devil , took to the roads of Cornwall in 1801 .

  6. 获得融资的公司之一是英国康沃尔郡的AdvancedOxidation。该公司利用金刚石能够产生电流的电子特性,对化学污染物进行降解。这项技术具有在发展中国家应用于水净化的潜在前景。

    One company that it has backed is Advanced Oxidation , based in Cornwall in the UK , which uses the diamonds ' unusual electrical properties to generate electrical current to degrade chemical pollutants , so potentially helping to clean up water supplies in developing nations .

  7. 这就忽略了不同地域存在完全不同的需求和可能性的事实:东京不是冲绳;纽约与内布拉斯加州的林肯市大不相同;伦敦和康沃尔郡(Cornwall)也是两回事。

    This ignores the very different needs and possibilities of different areas : Tokyo is not Okinawa ; New York is not Lincoln , Nebraska ; London is not Cornwall .

  8. Fowler先生目前将种子卖给了英国康沃尔郡的(环境工程)伊甸园工程、爱丁堡园艺学会以及阿富汗农民以作为罂粟的替代作物。

    Mr Fowler has sold chilli seeds to the Eden Project in Cornwall , to the Edinburgh Horticultural Society , and to farmers in Afghanistan , as an alternative to growing poppies for opium .

  9. 在1801年圣诞前夕,康沃尔郡一位名叫理查德•特里维西克(RichardTrevithick)的采矿工程师驾驶一辆他发明的小型蒸汽车上山,其速度比人的步行速度要快。

    On Christmas Eve 1801 , a Cornish mining engineer , Richard Trevithick , drove the small steam coach he had invented up a hill faster than a man could walk .

  10. 德文郡和康沃尔郡警察局的检察官戴夫·梅雷迪斯(DaveMeredith)是镇里的最高级别警员,他说:“从巡警到社区服务警察(PCSO),镇里的合伙人,商店的老板,人人都说纽基发生了神奇的变化。”

    Devon and Cornwall Police inspector Dave Meredith , the town 's most senior policeman , said : ' When you speak to anybody from patrol officers to PCSOs , partners in town , shop keepers , everybody says Newquay has made a miraculous improvement .

  11. 我从来没在康沃尔郡之外的地方听人说过这个词。

    I 've never heard it used outside the county .

  12. 真纳是康沃尔郡迎风的海岸边上的小渔村。

    The village of Zennor lies upon the windward coast of Cornwall .

  13. 1988年,饮用水导致英格兰西南部康沃尔郡的人中毒。

    Drinking water poisoned people in Cornwall , south-west England , in 1988 .

  14. 过去整个康沃尔郡都在开采锡矿。

    Tin used to be mined throughout cornwall .

  15. 他在康沃尔郡过退休生活。

    He lives in retirement in Cornwall .

  16. 直升机从康沃尔郡海岸附近一艘遇险的渔船上搭救了6个人。

    Six people were rescued by helicopter from a fishing boat in distress off the cotnish coast .

  17. 他说:去年在康沃尔郡,卡梅伦身穿斜纹棉布裤,配一件很休闲的衬衫,看上去非常舒服,他说。

    Last year in Cornwall , Cameron looked very comfortable in chinos and a casual shirt , he says .

  18. 这个雕塑位于康沃尔郡的伊甸园计划后,他在伦敦南岸首次亮相。

    This sculpture stands at the Eden Project in Cornwall , after his debut at the South Bank in London .

  19. 在过去的一年半里,德文郡和康沃尔郡的警官们已经查处了31起当事人身穿易装的违法案例。

    Officers in Devon and Cornwall have attended 31 crimes committed by people in fancy dress in the last 18 months .

  20. 在英国境内的旅行,几乎都伴随着腊肠卷、康沃尔郡菜肉烘饼和苏格兰式煎蛋。

    Few journeys are made within the United Kingdom that aren 't catered with sausage rolls , Cornish pasties and Scotch eggs .

  21. 他的工作室设在英格兰康沃尔郡乡下一个灌木篱笆墙围绕的石头库房里,在那里特立独行地从事科学研究。

    He practiced science as a maverick , working out of a stone barn among the rural hedgerows in Cornwall , England .

  22. 这些照片近日拍摄于英国康沃尔郡波斯科诺海滩,这条姥鲨慢慢地逼近正在海滨玩耍的人们。

    The amazing pictures were taken recently at Porthcurno beach , Cornwall , Britain where the basking shark was cruising just yards off shore .

  23. 除了能确定他们是水手以及操着康沃尔郡口音之外,他无法描绘出关于袭击者更多的东西。

    He could give no description of his assailants except that they were certainly seafaring men , and , by their speech , Cornishmen .

  24. 但是当她嫁给他并搬入他在英国康沃尔郡的宅邸后,她发现已故文德斯太太的影子无处不在。

    But when she marries him and moves into his Cornwall mansion , she is haunted by the reputation of the previous Mrs de Winter .

  25. 英国德文郡和康沃尔郡的官员表示,恶劣的天气迫使伴侣呆在屋内太久,这样会导致幽居病,继而增加发生家暴的几率。

    Officers in Devon and Cornwall said bad weather leads to partners with stranded indoors too much and the resulting cabin fever increases the chances of violent outbursts .

  26. 达戈内特家、马里兰的杜拉克家及其康沃尔郡的贵族亲戚特利文纳家之间的关系一直密切融洽。

    The tie between the Dagonets , the du Lacs of Maryland , and their aristocratic Cornish kinsfolk , the Trevennas , had always remained close and cordial .

  27. 查尔斯王储的妻子康沃尔郡公爵夫人卡米拉以前经常抽烟,不过据说近几年她已经把烟给戒了。

    Prince Charles'wife , Camilla , the Duchess of Cornwall , was herself a heavy smoker , but is believed to have given it up in recent years .

  28. 德文郡和康沃尔郡的警官们吐槽那些涉及身穿易装的当事人的报警案件——其中包括这样一起案件,一个装扮成夏洛克·福尔摩斯的人在小酒馆里吃霸王餐。

    Devon and Cornwall police revealed call-outs involving people wearing fancy dress - including one man dressed as Sherlock Holmes who walked out of a pub without paying .

  29. 要是服务生会端康尼希雏鸡肉上桌,那他要不就得熟悉康沃尔郡的历史,要不就得准备学习这段历史。

    Well , if you 're going to serve Cornish game hen , you should either be familiar with the history of Cornwall or be prepared to learn it .

  30. 此外,听说在康沃尔郡,一名男子被拍到在乞讨一天之后,钻进了一辆价值5万英镑的奥迪跑车扬尘而去。

    Then there 's the claim that a man who was caught on film clambering back into his 50000 pounds Audi sportscar , after a day begging in Cornwall .