
  • 网络Wiring engineering;PDS;GCS;hard-to-wire
  1. 本文从当前综合布线工程施工监理工作的实际情况出发,对综合布线工程监理的主要思路进行了探讨。

    In light of the current situation of GCS supervision , this article probes into the primary concepts of works of GCS supervision .

  2. 在综合布线工程中实施监理的程序及要点在软件方面采用C语言编程,实现模块化设计;

    The Code of Generic Cabling System Project Management the code is programmed with C ;

  3. 智能建筑的AMP综合布线工程

    AMP general cabling system engineering in intelligent building

  4. 但目前结构化布线工程的施工图设计基本上仍然是由设计者手工进行,然后利用AutoCAD等通用绘图软件绘图。其落后的设计手段已经远远不能适应结构化布线系统施工技术的高速发展。

    However , the shop drawings design of structured cabling system is generally taken by hand , and then realized by the help of common drawing software like AutoCAD , which thoroughly lose pace with the highly-speed development of construction technology of structured cabling system .

  5. 高校图书馆网络综合布线工程应注意的问题

    On Problems in Synthetic Cabling System Engineering of College and University Libraries

  6. 基于校园网的网络综合布线工程质量控制方法

    Quality Control Method in Campus Based Integrated Cable Solutions

  7. 网络集成综合布线工程的方案设计

    Network Integration Synthesis Wiring Project Plan Design

  8. 本文结合珠海某现代化小区智能综合布线工程,阐述了智能小区的基本设计理念,并介绍了综合布线系统的结构、特征以及综合布线的施工问题。

    This paper presents the design concept of modern intelligent building about comprehensive disposal line and introduce the construction and characteristics of comprehensive disposal line .

  9. 从综合布线工程系统的需求分析和设计原则出发,介绍了综合布线系统的设计方案、施工方案、测试方案,提出了智能大厦典型的综合布线系统的实施方案。

    From the requirement analysis and design principle of generic cabling system , the article introduced its scheme on design , implement and test , It also posed the typical design of generic cabling system for sophisticated mansion .

  10. 有线型电子检测系统可以减少检测过程中的人工量,但布线工程复杂,在使用中,对线路检测相当费工,铺设的线路在长期的野外环境也可能会导致线路故障。

    Wired electronic detection system can reduce the amount of manual testing process , but the wiring is complicated in use , a considerable amount of work on line detection , laying the line in the long-term field environment may lead to failure .

  11. 目前,在结构化布线系统工程的设计过程中,施工图设计基本上是利用AutoCAD等通用绘图软件。

    At present , the shop drawing design of structured cabling system generally make use of common drawing software like AutoCAD .

  12. 智能化建筑综合布线系统工程设计规程

    Code for engineering design of generic cabling system for intelligent building

  13. 综合布线系统工程桥架和槽道的安装桥式起重机桥架的参数化设计

    Bridge frame and groove path installation in integration laying line system engineering

  14. 计算机网络结构化布线系统工程方案的设计

    Project Design of Structured Distribution System in Computer Network

  15. 这使布线和工程设计工作量较小。

    This results in less wiring and engineering effort .

  16. 某国际会展中心综合布线系统工程设计探讨

    Discussion on GCS Design of Some International Exhibition Center

  17. 建筑与建筑群综合布线系统工程设计施工图集

    Drawings set for engineering design & working of generic cabling system for building and campus

  18. 结合实际工程项目,进行综合布线系统工程设计。

    This paper carries on the system ensemble engineering design by combining the practical engineering project .

  19. 提出综合布线系统工程质量保证的要点及验收时对布线系统电气性能测试的要求和内容。

    It points out the essential to guarantee quality of structured cabling and the main contents of electric speciality testing .

  20. 系统地介绍了智能化建筑和智能化小区的综合布线系统工程总体方案设计,重点说明了网络结构、设备配置、管槽系统以及连接方式等。

    It systematically introduces comprehensive wiring system project overall design of intelligentized building and intelligentized area , makes emphasis on network architecture , equipment configuration , pipe chase system and connection methods .

  21. 她学习了砌砖、布线和管道工程的基本知识。

    She learned the rudiments of brick-laying , wiring and plumbing .

  22. 6类布线标准与工程实施

    Generation Fabric Standard and Its Application in the Engineering

  23. 主要研究综合布线系统的工程设计原理。

    This chapter mainly researches the engineering designing principle of premises distribution system .

  24. 现有的变电站通信多是通过有线网络进行信号的采集、传输和发送,且变电站设备繁多,信号复杂,存在综合布线难、工程量大,成本高、维护困难等弊端。

    The substation equipment is various , signal complex , difficult , existing integrated wiring quantity is big , the high cost and the maintenance difficulties disadvantages .

  25. 舰载电子设备布线设计方法及其工程应用

    Method of Shipborne Electronic Equipment Wiring Design and Its Application

  26. 图书馆网络综合布线及网络系统工程

    Synthetic Cabling System and Network System Engineering of Library

  27. 本研究使用的开发方法很容易被具有结构化布线专业知识和工程实践经验但计算机专业知识不是十分丰富的结构化布线专业的施工图设计者所掌握。

    The development method studied in this dissertation is easy to grasp by architects who have full structured cabling expertise and working experience but are lack of rich computer expertise .

  28. 从系统动态设计角度考虑:软件系统包含主要布线厂商的产品数据库以及布线工程所需产品的产品图库;

    For the sake of the design engineer , the software includes the database of some main manufacturer of the structured cabling system and a series of intelligent masters .

  29. 本文重点介绍6类布线标准的内容与特点,并结合布线工程说明6类布线系统在工程的实施应用过程中需考虑的问题与要点。

    This paper introduces the content and speciality of the 6 generation fabric , and points out some problem of using its in the fabric engineering .

  30. 综合布线系统(六)第六讲综合布线系统工程总体方案设计

    Section Six : Premises Distribution Systems Project Overall Design