
  1. 这些信件的内容全部与《布谷鸟的呼唤》这本小说有关。《布谷鸟的呼唤》是罗琳以RobertGalbraith的笔名发表的首部作品。

    They related to The Cuckoo 's Calling , her first novel as Galbraith .

  2. 这位《哈利·波特》(HarryPotter)的作家希望得到“不加修饰的反馈”,于是在2013年以罗伯特·加尔布雷思(RobertGalbraith)为笔名出版了《布谷鸟的呼唤》这本书,这本书是写给成年人看的。

    Hoping to receive " totally unvarnished feedback , " the " Harry Potter " author adopted the pseudonym Robert Galbraith when she published " The Cuckoo 's Calling , " a book for adults , in 2013 .

  3. 本书主角是英国私家侦探克莫伦·斯特莱克(CormoranStrike),去年在罗琳的《布谷鸟的呼唤》(TheCuckoo’sCalling)中首度登场;小说家欧文·奎恩的妻子利奥诺拉·奎恩(LeonoraQuine)长相俗气,她雇用斯特莱克寻找失踪的老公。

    Leonora Quine , the dowdy wife of the novelist Owen Quine , hires our hero , the British private detective Cormoran Strike ( first seen last year in Rowling 's " The Cuckoo 's Calling " ) , to investigate the disappearance of her husband .

  4. 比方说,罗宾不再是斯特莱克的老朋友或前女友,她和斯特莱克在《布谷鸟的呼唤》中初遇时是个年轻的临时秘书。

    Robin , for example , isn 't a longtime friend or ex-lover - she starts out as a young temp Strike first meets in " The Cuckoo 's Calling . "

  5. 2013年《布谷鸟的呼唤》出版后,销量颇佳,作者的真实身份遭曝光后更是占据了畅销书排行榜的榜首位置。

    When The Cuckoo 's Calling eventually found a publisher in 2013 , it was achieving respectable sales before the secret of its authorship broke , and it then shot to the top of the bestseller lists .

  6. 事实上,她的第一封粉丝邮件,信件开头称呼她为“亲爱的先生”。她一直坚持用笔名进行创作。前段时间,她也曾想以罗伯特·加尔布雷斯的名义出版她的最新小说——《布谷鸟的呼唤》。

    Indeed , her first ever piece of fan mail was addressed to her as " Dear Sir . " She continues writing under pen names , and most recently she tried to publish her novel " The Cuckoo 's Calling " under the name Robert Galbraith .