
  • 网络Man Booker International Prize
  1. 她的作品曾获2009年布克国际文学奖,她还曾三次获得加拿大文学总督奖。

    Winner of the 2009 Man Booker International Prize for her lifetime body of work , she is also a three-time winner of Canada 's Governor General 's Award for fiction .

  2. 同样创作短篇小说的阎连科去年获布克国际文学奖(ManBookerInternationalPrize)提名,他开玩笑说中国政治领导人是微小说的理想读者。

    Mr. Yan , who was last year shortlisted for a Man Booker International Prize , and also writes short stories , joked that China 's political leaders are their ideal readership .