
  • 网络Brighton college;BrightonCollege
  1. 位于市中心的布莱顿学院表示,11岁参加本院入学考试的学生增长近半数。

    Brighton College , in the town centre , has seen the number of11-year-olds taking its entrance test rise by almost half .

  2. 位于英格兰南部沿海的布莱顿学院将对学生们进行各种礼仪培训,其中包括怎样熨衬衫、跳华尔兹、何时脱外套、何时去洗手间、在餐桌上何时不能说话等一些礼仪细节。

    Brighton College on the southern English coast will drill pupils on how to iron a shirt properly , dance the waltz , when to take off a jacket or go to the toilet , when to avoid talking at the dinner table and other finer points of etiquette .

  3. 目前,一些公司老板认为很多大学毕业生缺乏应有的礼节知识。布莱顿学院的校长理查德•凯恩斯得知这一情况后,决定在低年级学生中开设礼仪课程。

    Headmaster Richard Cairns decided it was time his pupils were taught a few lessons in good manners after learning that employers were dismayed by the numbers of undergraduates who were not equipped for the business world .