
  • 网络Boolean;bool;boolean type;bool Type
  1. Apriori算法在布尔型关联规则领域的应用

    The application of Apriori algorithm in the area of boolean association rules

  2. 因此本文提出了构造布尔型的功能相关microRNA网络的算法,以网络的形式来研究microRNA。

    Therefore , we for the first constructed a Boolean functionally related microRNA network .

  3. 布尔型的值可以是true和false常量。

    Boolean is the type of the constants true and false .

  4. 布尔型false元素都被保留为布尔型。

    The Boolean false elements are maintained as Booleans .

  5. true布尔型指出finalize()方法应当被保留在列表中。

    The # true Boolean indicates that finalize () methods should be retained in the list .

  6. 原语类型的表示法为,各类型使用一个单独的字母(如‘I’表示int、‘Z’表示布尔型)。

    For primitive types , the representation uses a single letter code for each type ( such as'I'for an int and'Z'for a boolean ) .

  7. 如果我们想要添加另外一个选项例如,Submitted布尔型属性,它拥有两个值true或者false,就不再需要提供这个设计方法了。

    If we want to add another option for example , Submitted the boolean attribute , which allows two possible values true or false , does not accommodate this design approach anymore .

  8. 它们都拥有IsReadOnly布尔型属性,当某个只读集合实现此属性后应返回true。

    They both have IsReadOnly Boolean property that should return true when implemented by a read-only collection .

  9. SVM的样本输入标签多表示为布尔型数值,而本方法采用公式计算特征量的权重,能更好的体现出每个特征在检测时的重要程度。

    SVM sample input label expressed by Boolean value using , this paper use the formula calculate the characteristic amount of weight which reflects importance degree of each feature in the detection .

  10. 但是JCR还支持其他类型,包括布尔型和长整型。

    But JCR also supports other types , including booleans , dates , and long integers .

  11. 但是WSDL2Java工具将生成布尔型isProperty方法。

    But the WSDL2Java tool will generate boolean isProperty methods .

  12. 此处我们在qcl量子堆中为一个1量子位(布尔型)变量分配空间。

    Here we have allocated a1 qubit ( Boolean ) variable from the qcl quantum heap .

  13. 在加载Properties对象之后,关闭输入流,然后设置布尔型标志变量(init)值为true,确定AddressStore对象已经被初始化。

    After loading the Properties object , you close the input stream , and then set your boolean flag variable ( init ) value to true , demarcating that the AddressStore object has been initialized .

  14. 您可以在DatapoolLiteralSubstitution对话框中设置选项,用一个数据池引用来查找和替换一个脚本中的所有的、数字、字符串或布尔型文字。

    You can set the options in the Datapool Literal Substitution dialog box to find and replace all , number , string , or boolean literals in a script with a datapool reference .

  15. PAT和EFAT能接受多种数据类型,包括整型、布尔型、浮点型、枚举型变量和有限大小的数组。

    PAT and EFAT accept several data types , such as integers , Booleans , floats , enumerates and fixed-size arrays .

  16. 迄今为止,最有影响的布尔型挖掘关联规则算法是R.Agrawal等人提出的Apriori算法。

    So far , the most famous Boolean association rule mining algorithms is Apriori algorithm which is proposed by R. Agrawal .

  17. Lua中的基本类型(值)有8种:nil,布尔型,数字,字符串,函数,线程,表以及用户数据。

    There are eight fundamental types ( of values ) in Lua : nil , boolean , number , string , function , thread , table , and userdata .

  18. 在这个场景中,只需要填加一个叫做isApproved的属性到Timesheet对象,它包含一个布尔型的值true或者false。

    In this case , it seems almost enough to simply add an attribute called isApproved to the Timesheet object , which contains one of the boolean values , true or false .

  19. 同布尔型getProperty一样,非camelcase访问器是不合法的,并且不能作为访问器被识别。

    Like the boolean getProperty , non-camelcase accessors are not legal and are not recognized as accessors .

  20. 通过对网络的分析,我们发现布尔型microRNA网络像其他生物网络一样,网络的度服从幂分布,网络具有层次模块性等特点。

    By analyzing the network , we found that microRNA network is like other biological network whose degree follows the power distribution and is of the hierarchical organization of modularity .

  21. 在映射元数据文件中没有辨别这两种样式的布尔型属性的机制,因为布尔型getProperty是一个不正确的访问器。

    There is no mechanism in the mapping meta-data file to distinguish these two styles of boolean property because the boolean getProperty is an incorrect accessor .

  22. 由于报表的代码本身不能确定是在什么环境中被使用,我们就在报表中增加了一个名为ForPrint的布尔型参数。

    Since the report code itself cannot determine in which context it is used , we added a boolean parameter named ForPrint to the report .

  23. Slope-One:非常快速简单的基于项目的推荐方法,需要使用用户的评分信息(而不仅仅是布尔型的首选项)。

    Slope-One : A very fast and simple item-based recommendation approach applicable when users have given ratings ( and not just boolean preferences ) .

  24. 至今,这方面的研究主要是将布尔型的转录调控网络和代谢网络COBRA模型进行网络整合,由于布尔网络的特性,调控约束对代谢网络的影响是定性的影响。

    So far , such research in this area is focus on the integration of the Boolean transcriptional regulatory network and the COBRA model of metabolic network . Due to the characteristics of Boolean networks , the influence of the regulatory network on the metabolic network is qualitative .

  25. 第一次,使用未经修改的用法,这将得到stdClass的对象;第二次,使用布尔型参数来创建联合数组。

    First , we use the unmodified usage , which would result in an object of stdClass , and the second time , we use the Boolean argument to create an associative array .

  26. 首先从数据简化的角度分析讨论了AOG及其不足:AOG的单一属性阈值控制是布尔型控制,在有例外存在的情况下,可能造成数据过度简化,失去数据简化的意义。

    First , AOG and its shortcomings are discussed from the view of data reduction : the single attribute threshold control of AOG is boolean control , so when there are exceptions , it can cause data over reduction and lose the meanings of data reduction .

  27. 基于布尔型蕴涵的模糊关系方程的分解与求解

    Decomposition and Resolution of Fuzzy Relation Equations Based on Boolean Implications

  28. 概率布尔型基因调节网络的分解方法研究

    Research on the decomposition method of probabilistic boolean gene regulatory networks

  29. 用于基因调节网络建模的概率布尔型基因网络结构分析

    Structure Analysis of Probabilistic Boolean Networks for Gene Regulatory Networks Modeling

  30. 此值为布尔型,并且只影响客户端行为。

    This value is a boolean , and only affects client behavior .