
  1. IBM公司与瑞士苏黎世联邦技术学院本周二宣布,他们计划利用水冷超级计算机系统散热过程中产生的热水来为学院的大楼供热。

    IBM and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Zurich plan to build a water-cooled supercomputer whose surplus heat will be re-used to heat the university 's buildings .

  2. 该技术由瑞士联邦洛桑技术学院的科学家发明,这种新颖的反应器可合成尺寸十分均匀的粉末颗粒,合成颗粒尺寸可达到纳米级。

    Invented by scientists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne , this novel reactor allows the synthesis of extremely uniform particle size powders down to nanometer size .