
  • 网络Joint business;Unite Business;United Business network
  1. 云南云天化联合商务有限公司。

    Yunnan Yuntianhua United Commerce Co. , Ltd.

  2. 品类管理的一个重要特征就是改善了供应商和零售商之间的关系,使二者之间关系由传统的对立关系转化为相互合作关系,主要表现在信息共享以及共建联合商务等方面。

    An important facet of Category Management is the shift in relationship between retailer and supplier : instead of the traditional adversarial relationship , the relationship moves to one of collaboration , exchange of information and data and joint business building .

  3. 北京联合大学商务学院网上评教系统

    Web-based teaching evaluation system of business college in Beijing Union University

  4. 国际商业仲裁讨论会联合国国际商务仲裁会议最后文件

    Final Act of the United Nations Conference on International Commercial Arbitration

  5. 中国联合钢铁电子商务网站建设解决方案

    Solution of China Union steel e - business website 's building

  6. 这个群最大的好处在于,你始终都知道,你想打球时,总会有人跟你结伴同乐。来自北京联合大学电子商务专业的张其说。

    The best thing about the group is that you always know there will be someone somewhere ready to play with you , said Zhang , an e-commerce major at Beijing Union University .

  7. 因此,将基于熟人关系的Agent联合引入到电子商务领域是一项新颖而实用的课题。

    Therefore , the technique of agent coalition based on acquaintance is a novel but practical for the electronic commerce .