
  1. 雅砻江是金沙江的最大支流,水力资源十分丰富。

    As the largest tributary of Jinsha river , Yalong river is abundant in hydropower resources .

  2. GIS和RS技术在金沙江干流泥沙淤积强度预测评价中的应用研究

    Application of GIS and RS in evaluating sedimentation in the main stem Jinsha River

  3. 海金沙挥发性成分的GC指纹图谱研究

    Study on GC Fingerprint of Volatile Components from Lygodium Japonicum

  4. 本轮融资金沙江创业投资基金(GSRVentures)出了大头,而风投公司橡树投资(OakInvestmentPartners)和邦德资产管理公司(FoundationAssetManagement)也有份参与。

    GSR ventures led the round , and was joined by return backers oak investment partners and foundation asset management .

  5. RP-HPLC测定海金沙藤中咖啡酸的含量

    Determination of caffeic acid content in Lygodium japonicum by RP-HPLC

  6. 瑞银集团(UBS)分析师对金沙集团即将建成的澳门购物广场的销售收入日益持怀疑态度。

    UBS analysts are increasingly sceptical of the company 's potential Macao mall sale proceeds .

  7. 金沙江支流硕曲河V级及以上阶地阶面和两级带状剥夷面上发现中更新世红土层。

    The middle pleistocene laterite bed was discovered on the surface of terrace ⅴ or above and on the belting denudation plane of terrace ⅱ .

  8. 在拉斯维加斯金沙集团今年第一季度业绩未能达到市场预期后,瑞银集团和德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)双双将它们对该集团2007年的盈利预测调低了15%左右。

    UBS and Deutsche Bank both cut 2007 earnings forecasts by around 15 per cent after Las Vegas Sands fell short of first-quarter estimates .

  9. 拉斯维加斯金沙集团(lasvegassands)11月份宣布裁员1.1万人,之前,该赌场运营商暂停了两项建筑工程。

    This month Las Vegas Sands made 11000 people redundant after the casino operator suspended work on two construction sites .

  10. 结论:实验结果表明,X射线衍射Fourier指纹图谱鉴定法可用于中药材海金沙的分析鉴定。

    Conclusion : The experimental result indicated that X-ray diffraction Fourier fingerprint spectra can be used to identify and analyze the Chinese traditional herb Lygodium japonicum ( Thunb . ) Sw .

  11. 方法:以甲醇、氯仿、石油醚为提取溶剂,提取中药材海金沙,采用粉末X射线衍射Fourier谱鉴定法对提取物进行分析鉴定。

    Method : To get the extracts of Spora Lygodii using methanol , chloroform and petroleum ether as solvent and the extracts were identified 、 analyzed by X-ray diffraction Fourier fingerprint spectra .

  12. 目的:研究海金沙草(Lygodiumjaponicum)的化学成分。

    Aim : To investigate the chemical constituents from the aerial parts of Lygodium japonicum .

  13. 周三午盘,银河娱乐集团有限公司(GalaxyEntertainmentGroupLtd.)涨2.8%,至63.75港元,金沙中国有限公司(SandsChinaLtd.)涨1.8%至59.60港元。

    Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd ( 0027 . HK ) gains 2.8 % to HK $ 63.75 and Sands China Ltd ( 1928 . HK ) is up 1.8 % to HK $ 59.60 at midday .

  14. 西金沙已合法对MaiKhao的土地进行了划分,MaiKhao由合法建立的公司拥有。

    West Sands has legally subdivided land plots at Mai Khao which are owned by properly established companies .

  15. 拉斯维加斯金沙的亚洲副总裁史蒂芬•维弗(StephenWeaver)表示:澳门的转变依赖于有足够的劳动力供应。

    Stephen Weaver , Las Vegas Sands ' vice-president for Asia , says : The transformation of Macao relies on having a sufficient supply of labour .

  16. 本文结合鱼鲊金沙江大桥主桥早期收缩开裂实例,总结了大跨PC箱梁桥早期裂缝的分布特征及主要形成原因。

    In this paper , the distribution and main causes of early cracks in long span PC box girder bridge is summarized , with regards to early age shrinkage cracking of Yu Zha Jin sha jiang River Main Bridge .

  17. 目前的乐观形势与短短几个月前的惨淡图景大相径庭。当时,包括金沙及吕志和旗下银河娱乐(GalaxyEntertainment)在内的多家运营商不得不暂停建筑项目。

    The rosy situation is a far cry from the grim picture just a few months ago , when operators including Sands and Mr Lui 's Galaxy Entertainment were forced to halt construction .

  18. 青铜文物复制中常用的作伪方法基于RPT的金沙铜立人数字化修复与仿制

    How to Fake the Bronze Ware The Numeral Rehab and Copy of " Jin-Sha-Tong-Li-Ren " Bronze Ware Based on Rapid Prototyping Technology

  19. 伯恩斯坦研究公司(BernsteinResearch)分析师指出,王英伟与中国政府的“密切关系”是他获此任命的关键因素。这些分析师还表示,他们认为他的主要职责是充当金沙中国与澳门及中央政府官员之间的联络人。

    Analysts at Bernstein Research pointed to his " strong ties " to the Chinese government as the key to his appointment , adding that they expect his main responsibility to be acting as a liaison with officials in Macau and Beijing .

  20. 新加坡的熄灯活动规模之大依然处于全球之首,今年在该国滨海湾金沙(MarinaBaySands)商业中心举行的熄灯活动吸引了约9000人。

    Singapore continues to hold one of the world 's largest lights-off events , drawing around 9,000 people this year to Marina Bay Sands , a commercial center typically awash in electricity .

  21. 这项调查与金沙中国前行政总裁翟国成(stevenjacobs)提出的一宗不当解聘诉讼有关,金沙中国负责管理金沙集团在澳门的投资事宜。

    The investigation is connected to a wrongful termination lawsuit filed by Steven Jacobs , the former chief executive of sands China Limited , which oversees LVS investments in Macau .

  22. 贵州金沙电厂125MW机组的甩负荷试验

    Load Rejection Test for 125 MW Unit of Guizhou Jinsha Power Plant

  23. 新加坡的另一家赌场圣淘沙名胜世界(resortsworldsentosa)尚未发布第三季度数据,但它开业早于滨海湾金沙,第一个完整季度于6月份结束,业绩与滨海湾金沙相似。

    Resorts World Sentosa , the second Singapore resort , has yet to report third-quarter figures . But it opened earlier than Marina Bay Sands and completed its first full quarter in June , with similar results .

  24. 此前拉斯维加斯金沙集团(lasvegassands)宣布,将暂停澳门金光大道(cotaistrip)项目的扩建工程,把节省下来的资源投入新加坡和宾夕法尼亚州的开发项目。

    Mr Ho was speaking after Las Vegas Sands announced it will halt expansion work on its Cotai Strip project in Macao , and instead husband resources for developments in Singapore and Pennsylvania .

  25. 中华鲟(Acipensersinensis)是在我国东海、黄渤海大陆架生长,到长江上游金沙江下段或珠江上游江段繁殖的大型溯河洄游鱼类。

    The anadromous Chinese sturgeon ( Acipenser sinensis ) mainly lives in the continental shelf of the Yellow Sea and East China Sea , and spawns in the Yangtze River and Pearl River .

  26. 古特提斯洋时期,Au-Sb强烈富集在金沙江洋脊环境,Cu强烈富集在金沙江洋岛环境;

    In the Paleo Tethyan ocean period , Au and Sb were strongly enriched in the Jinsha River mid ocean ridge setting , and Cu was evidently enriched in the Jinsha River oceanic island setting .

  27. 澳门持有牌照的赌场运营商有6家,其中包括美国上市的永利度假村(WynnResorts)和拉斯韦加斯金沙集团。在一份葡萄牙语报纸报道了上述传言之后,两家公司股价分别下跌4.3%和11%。

    Shares in US-listed Wynn Resorts and Las Vegas Sands , two of the six licensed casino operators in Macao , fell 4.3 and 11 per cent , respectively , the day after a Portuguese newspaper reported the rumour .

  28. 拉斯维加斯金沙公司总裁兼首席运营官比尔韦德纳(billweidner)表示:“这些发展机会有待各级政府的批准,并将随着市场的发展和成熟,按时间分阶段出现。”

    Bill Weidner , Las Vegas Sands president and chief operating officer , said : " these development opportunities are contingent upon approvals by government at several levels and will occur in phases over time as the markets develop and mature . "

  29. 古特提斯弧时期,金沙江洋内弧表现出Cu的富集,Pb-Zn富集在滞后弧,而碰撞弧及澜沧江陆缘弧没有成矿元素的明显富集;

    In the Paleo Tethyan arc period , Cu was enriched in the oceanic island arc , and Pb and Zn were enriched in the post collisional arc (" delay " arc ) . The collisional arc and Lancang River continental marginal arc were not rich in the mineralizing elements .

  30. 也许,金沙渴望明年新开一间更大的赌城,其他四家有三家(永利、米高梅、何的SJM)野心勃勃,跃跃欲试。

    Granted , the Sands hopes to open an even bigger casino next year , and three out of the four other operators ( Wynn , MGM and Mr Ho 's SJM ) have ambitious plans .