
  • 网络Thanks god I found you
  1. 结果我凌晨两点半才到家,父亲一直没睡,在等着我。

    Arriving home at 2:30 a.m. , Dad was up waiting .

  2. 她凌晨两点半在运动什么?

    What 's she doing exercising at2:30 in the morning ?

  3. 一九一二年四月十五日凌晨两点半。

    where she landed at 2:30 in the morning of April 15 , 1912 .

  4. 年轻人:它在凌晨两点半才到马略卡岛。

    Young man : It arrived in Majorca at half past two in the morning .

  5. 伍兹和他老婆凌晨两点半在外头干吗?他们用球杆打架。

    What were Tiger Woods and his wife doing out at2 ∶ 30 in the morning ? They went clubbing .

  6. 凌晨两点半我赶到的时候,楼里除了第一层窗户那儿亮着一盏孤灯外,漆黑一片。

    When I arrived at 2:30 a.m. , the building was dark except for a single light in a ground floor window .

  7. 在世界杯第一轮比赛中,赛事常常是在北京时间凌晨两点半直播,在四点左右甚至更晚结束。

    In the first round of the World Cup , games regularly aired at 2:30 a.m. in China , finishing around 4 a.m. or later .