
  • 网络horizontal oil tank
  1. 卧式油罐容积检定计算疑难点的探讨

    A Discussion On Some Difficulties In Calibration Calculation Of Horizontal Oil Tank Volume

  2. 本文介绍了一种检定卧式油罐及铁路罐车测量曲线体半径的专用工具。

    A special tool is introduced here to measure the curved object radius of the horizontal oil tank and railroad tank car .

  3. 卧式油罐的检定精度受到直圆筒内径、顶板、下尺点内竖直径、倾斜度、钢板厚度及罐体内附件的测量数据的影响。

    About horizontal tank , the calibration accuracy will be affected from the internal diameter of straight right cylinder , top plate , total height of dip hatch to tank bottom , degree of dip inclination , thickness of steel plate and measurement data of internal accessories of tank .

  4. 地埋式油罐的设计加油站卧式埋地油罐基础的做法

    Design of Buried Oil Tank How to prepare ground for horizontal sunken tankers

  5. 加油站卧式埋地油罐基础的做法卧式油罐容积检定计算疑难点的探讨

    How to prepare ground for horizontal sunken tankers A Discussion On Some Difficulties In Calibration Calculation Of Horizontal Oil Tank Volume

  6. 简易污水处理工艺技术是指利用卧式隔油罐作为油水沉降后的隔油装置,并增加相应的提压设备及配套工具。

    Using horizontal skimming tank as an skimming unit after oil water settled , added relevant raise pressure equipment and matching technology , this named the facility sewage treatment technology .

  7. GB/T17605-1998石油和液体石油产品卧式圆筒形金属油罐容积标定法(手工法)

    Petroleum and liquid petroleum products & Volumetric calibration of horizontal cylindrical metal tanks ( Manual methods )

  8. 建立起卧式储油罐液固耦合系统的力学模型,得到卧式储油罐的有限元方程、固有频率及主振型的理论表达式;

    The model of the oil tankers ' fluid-solid coupled system is founding . The equation based on the finite element method and the expressions of natural frequency and modal shape are getting .