
  • 网络Limonium sinense Kuntze;Limonium sinense;Limonium sinenseKuntze
  1. 中华补血草不同器官Na~+、K~+含量的比较研究

    A Study of the Na ~ + and K ~ + Content of Different Organs in Limonium Sinense

  2. 江苏沿海滩涂中华补血草的保护性研究

    Research on the Conservation of Limonium sinense in the Coast of Jiangsu

  3. 中华补血草的组织培养和快速繁殖体系的优化

    Optimized System of Tissue Culture , Rapid Propagation of Limonium sinense

  4. 外源脱落酸可以促进中华补血草和高粱体内脯氨酸含量的增加。

    Abscisic acid can raise the proline contents in the plants .

  5. 多种盐胁迫对中华补血草种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响

    Salt Stress on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Limonium sinense ( Grard ) Kuntze

  6. 中华补血草可改善盐碱土的土壤结构,使盐土脱盐,被誉为盐碱地改造的“先锋植物”。

    It is crowned as a " pioneering plant " in salina land due to the function of removing salt from salt-soil and of improving the structure of soil .

  7. 由于沿海滩涂开发速度加快,中华补血草的适生环境受到极大的威胁,导致种群数量越来越少。

    In recent years its surroundings is under the great threat and hence the amount of relative plants in this area is decreasing because of the intensive exploitation of coast areas .