
mào yì lì dé
  • trade gain
  1. 互惠贸易是真实的,但贸易利得是不均衡的;

    The reciprocal trade is possible , but the traders can 't benefit equally ;

  2. 比较优势贸易理论在更普遍的基础上解释了贸易产生的基础和贸易利得,大大发展了绝对优势贸易理论。

    The comparative advantage trade theory explains the foundation of trade and the gains from trade more universally , and develop the absolute superiority trade theory greatly .

  3. 对外贸易依存度是反映一国经济总体上与对外贸易联系程度的指标,人们对贸易利得的所有争论都或多或少地以该指标作为分析的依据。

    The dependent degree on international trade is the index reflecting how a nation 's economy as a whole relates to international trade , in a sense , an index provides the analytic foundation for all of the controversies around the trade benefits .