
  • 网络Trading Profit;Gold
  1. 英国的贸易利润固定在4,000万英镑。

    UK trading profits were pegged at £ 40 million

  2. 这两个数字之间的差值400美元就代表着贸易利润,可以被算入GDP。

    The difference between these two figures , $ 400 , would represent the trade margins , which figure into GDP .

  3. 在非综合报告中,三菱电机报告称普通贸易利润较2009年度增加48%。

    In its non-consolidated results , Mitsubishi Electric reported a48 % increase in ordinary profit when compared to2009 .

  4. 同时为了维护美日之间巨大的贸易利润,全面抗战初期,美国对中国战场采取了观望态度。

    At the same time , America adopted the Wait-to-See attitude on Chinese battlefield in order to maintain the considerable trade profits between America and Japan .

  5. 在城市中,地处昂贵酒店附近的小快餐店时常生意兴隆,获得丰厚的“周边贸易”利润。

    In cities , small snack bars often thrive on spin-off trade from expensive hotels nearby .

  6. 此章较重要的部分是对明代民间海外贸易的利润问题进行了重新研究。

    Of this chapter , the more important part is the re-examined of Ming folk overseas trading profits .

  7. 当时,丝绸贸易的利润是如此丰厚,不论谁试图从中国向外走私蚕卵或桑籽都将会被处死。

    The silk trade was so valuable that anyone who tried to take silkworm eggs or mulberry seeds out of China was put to death .

  8. 英国的FDI、贸易与企业利润

    FDI , Trade , and Plant-Level Price-Cost Margins in the UK

  9. 风险与利益总是形影不离的,进出口贸易的高利润必然与激烈的竞争和复杂的风险同时存在。

    Risks always exist , and interests of foreign trade in high-profit must be accompanied by intense competition and complex risks .

  10. 17世纪,亚洲港脚贸易的丰厚利润促使英国人与葡荷等欧洲国家展开了亚洲市场的争夺战。

    Substantial profits of country trade in Asia launched trade battles among British , Portugal , Netherlands and other European countries .

  11. 新得到的财富,通常来自丝绸、香料贸易获得的利润,被用来购买诸如珠宝、象征统治权的小金球、绘画和雕塑等精美收藏品。

    New-found wealth , often the profits of the silk and spice trades , was spent on exquisite possessions , from jewels and globes to paintings and sculpture .

  12. 但中国并没有因此在进出口贸易上赚到大部分利润,这是因为MadeinChina代表的是低廉的价格,而不是高尚的品质。

    But China does not gain the majority of profits at the import-export trade , this is because made in china represents the inexpensive price , but is not the noble quality .

  13. 这些损失为:出口方式下的运输成本和关税损失,FDI方式下的固定成本损失,许可证贸易下的联合利润损失以及为了阻止模仿,而转移相对落后技术造成的损失。

    The loss is transportation cost and tariff under export , the fixed cost under FDI , and united profit effect and the profit loss for stopping imitation under licensing .

  14. 茶叶贸易的巨额的利润,促使东印度公司积极地发展茶叶贸易。

    High profits of tea trade promoted the British East India Company to expand tea trade , which caused large trade deficit of British .

  15. 从本质上说,徽州海商依然是以追求自由贸易,追逐商业利润为特征的具有资本主义萌芽性质的海商。

    In essence , Huizhou marine merchants were merchants with the thoughts of capitalism germination and the appearance of pursuing free trades and seeking commercial profits .

  16. 宏观经济指标,包括贸易额,企业利润和居民可支配收入与税收有直接关系。

    Marco economic indicators directly related to tax intake , such as trade volumes , corporate profits and residents'disposable income , have all shown signs of slowdown .

  17. 贸易全球化是以利润和市场为导向的经济的必然发展趋势,根源在于生产和市场矛盾,基本的规律是国际价值规律。

    Trade globalization is an inevitable trend of profit-and market-oriented economy . It originates from the contradiction between production and market and its basic law is the international value law .

  18. 谁都无法承受更多的离别和死亡。全球,尤其是亚洲地区对于象牙有很大的需求。贪婪的偷猎者垂涎于象牙贸易背后的丰厚利润,每15分钟就会屠杀一头大象。

    The demand for ivory , especially in Asia , and the greed of those who profit from this gruesome trade means that poachers kill one elephant every 15 minutes .

  19. 在世界经济形势急剧下滑和国内要素成本上升等因素的影响下,在参与国际贸易过程获得巨大利润的同时企业又面临着巨大的外贸风险。

    Under the influence of the world economy declining and internal factor capital increasing , the enterprises which join the international trade and gain tremendous profits , are facing gigantic foreign trade risk .

  20. 附加值最大化具有产业结构提升效应,并且在国内贸易中可以和利润最大化相容,而在国际贸易中不一定相容;

    It 's concluded that additional value maximization has both industry structure and welfare effects , and that it is in harmony with profit maximization in domestic trade but is not necessary in international trade .

  21. 政府对其管理主要采取颁行茶引的方式,通过对茶引的严格控制实现对茶叶贸易的控制,目的在于把茶叶贸易利润牢牢把握在自己手里,实现政府收益最大化。

    The Government enacted its management primarily by tea certificate , through strict control of tea certificate to achieve the control of the tea trade , to control the tea trade profits firmly in their own hands , maximize government revenue .

  22. 本文探讨了荷兰东印度公司蔗糖贸易兴起的原因、经营的蔗糖种类、蔗糖贸易的方式和利润及蔗糖贸易对荷兰、荷兰东印度公司、台湾、巴达维亚和欧洲及亚洲社会生活所产生的影响。

    The main problems explored of this paper are reasons of the rise of the sugar trade , types of sugar , trade patterns , profit and the influence of sugar trade in the Netherlands , the Dutch East India Company , Taiwan , Batavia , Europe , Asia .