
  • 网络trade integration;Integration of Trade;WTO;World Trade Integration
  1. 与此同时在世界范围内现在已经正式向WTO通报实施的区域贸易一体化组织却迅速增长。

    Meanwhile in the worldwide the regional trade integration organization has increased rapidly , that has notified WTO and implemented formally .

  2. 随后在现状分析的基础上,对FDI通过何种途径促进区域经济增长、投资一体化和贸易一体化进行了理论探讨,并通过一系列相关统计指标对其结果进行初步确认。

    In the present analysis , I discuss how FDI promotes regional economic growth , investment integration and trade integration , then preliminarily confirm the results by a series of relevant statistical indicators .

  3. 作用的发挥依赖于FDI与进出口贸易一体化的格局。

    And the function relies on the pattern of the integration of the FDI and foreign trade .

  4. 中国是世界上重要的农产品出口国之一,自从加入WTO以后,顺应经济全球化、贸易一体化的国际趋势,中国农产品出口贸易稳健发展。

    China is one of the most important agricultural exporters in the world . After entering WTO , complying with international trend of economic globalization and trade integration , the development of Chinese agricultural products export goes steady .

  5. 但是,随着世界经济贸易一体化进程的加快,各国政府在失去惯用的关税和非关税保护措施的同时,都在致力于搭建WTO框架内的保护伞。

    With the expedition of world economy integration , every country , out of the habitual use of the protection measure of tariff and non-duty , is dedicated to the protection function of the articles within WTO frame .

  6. 伴随经济全球化和贸易一体化进程的不断加快,以及中国加人WTO之后,我国咨询企业的发展速度加快,但总体上尚处于不成熟阶段,同国外咨询业还存在一定的距离。

    With the economical globalization and the trade integration speeding up unceasingly , and after China joining WTO , consulting enterprise speeds up in China , but which in the overall still is at the mature stage , also has a certain distance with the overseas consulting enterprise .

  7. Granger因果检验的结果则进一步表明,生产非一体化和出口专业化是贸易一体化的原因,而资本化程度既是贸易一体化的原因,也是生产非一体化的原因。

    The results of the Granger Causality Test show that disintegration of production and specialization of exports contribute to integration of trade . Both integration of trade and disintegration of production are determined by the capitalization index .

  8. 具体来说,本文主要作了以下几个方面的研究工作。首先,分析了FDI的定义及类型,相关理论,并着重阐述了区域经济一体化的衡量指标,包括经济水平、投资一体化和贸易一体化。

    Specifically , this article mainly does the following aspects of research . First , this article discusses the definition , type and related theories of FDI , and emphasises the measure indicators of regional economic integration , including the level of economics , investment integration and trade integration .

  9. 作为最优货币区(OCA)内生性研究重要分支的F&R内生性假说,在贸易一体化与经济相关性的动态作用关系上,与Krugman专业化假说存在截然不同的观点。

    F & R Hypothesis is a branch research field of the Endogenous Money Supply of the Optimal Currency Area and is diametrically different from Krugman Hypothesis on the assumption concerning the dynamism of trade integration and economic relevance .

  10. 东亚的贸易一体化模式:一个引力模型的验证

    The Trade Integration Pattern in East Asia : a Gravity Model Verification

  11. 浅层次贸易一体化:东亚区域经济合作新模式

    Shallow Trade Integration : New Approach of Regional Cooperation in East Asia

  12. 表明生产非一体化对贸易一体化具有较高的解释能力。

    The result supports the hypothesis that disintegration of production can give explanations to integration of trade .

  13. 贸易一体化与生产非一体化&基于经济全球化两个重要假说的实证研究

    Integration of Trade and Disintegration of Production : An Empirical Study Based on Two Important Hypotheses of Economic Globalization

  14. 独联体国家间现行的双边结算体系在很大程度上阻碍了独联体经济、贸易一体化的进一步发展。

    The current multilateral settlement of accounts of the CIS has hindered further development of the CIS'economic and trade integration .

  15. 我们既可以支持根据客户需求的国家项目,也可以支持促进地区贸易一体化的多国项目。

    We can support both country-level projects that respond to client needs and multi-country projects that can facilitate regional trade integration .

  16. 伴随全球经济贸易一体化的迅速发展,国际航运业也呈现出了前所未有的繁荣景象。

    With the rapid development of global economic integration , the shipping industries all around the world have been operated prosperously .

  17. 多层次流量工程在一体化光网中的应用与研究浅层次贸易一体化:东亚区域经济合作新模式

    Multilayer Traffic Engineering in the Integrated Optical Internet ; Shallow Trade Integration : New Approach of Regional Cooperation in East Asia

  18. 与欧洲、美洲等地区国家很早就参与到服务贸易一体化相比,亚洲地区的国家参与较晚,但发展最快。

    It is later in Asian than Europe , America and other countries to participate the integration of trade in services very early .

  19. 因此在全球纺织品服装贸易一体化尚未真正形成之前,三国对中国产生的压力与日俱增。

    Therefore before the truly forms of the global textile trade integration , three countries become to be the pressure to China day by day .

  20. 这些大规模侵权事件的影响范围也正随着经济全球化和贸易一体化的深入发展而呈现出国际化的趋势。

    The influence of these large-scale infringement events is also along with the further development of economic globalization and trade integration and present the trend of internationalization .

  21. 中国区域贸易一体化自由贸易区是加强一国之内与周边邻国的区域经济合作的一项重要举措。

    It is an important act for strengthening the regional co-operation between one country and its neighboring countries to construct the free-trade area of Chinese regional-trade integration .

  22. 随着全球经济贸易一体化的深入,我国大豆加工业的经营规模进一步扩大,大豆加工企业面临日趋动荡的外部环境。

    As the global economy trade integration development , our country soybean processing the scale of further expand , soybean processing enterprises are facing growing unrest external environment .

  23. 在经济全球化与贸易一体化的进程中,各地区间的联系更加频繁,国际商品贸易、外商直接投资和信息技术的传播日渐加强。

    During the process of economic globalization and trade integration , contacts between different regions become more frequent and international trades , FDI and IT transmission are gradually intensified .

  24. 远东纺织集团(控股)有限公司座落于美丽的东方之珠&香港,是一家集生产与贸易一体化的专业纺织公司。

    FAR EAST TEXTILE GROUP ( HOLDING ) CO. , LTD located in Hong Kong , the beautiful oriental pearl , is a special textile corporate integrating production and trade .

  25. 在贸易一体化程度上来看,东亚国家整体对外贸易依存度较高,高于欧元区成立之前各国的水平。

    In terms of trade integration , East Asian countries have a high trade dependency as a whole , exceeding that of the Euro Zone countries at the introduction of Euro .

  26. 世界贸易一体化和经济全球化的进程加剧了外来有害生物的入侵,给我国的对外植物检疫工作带来了严峻的挑战。

    The course of the world trade integration and economic globalization has been accelerating the exotic pest invasion , and has brought heavy challenges to our entry-exit plant quarantine in China .

  27. 有些伙伴认为我们背信弃义:单一市场是英国倡议的,而他们对此给予了一致认可,并主张货币一体化是贸易一体化的必要条件。

    Some thought we were acting in bad faith : they had agreed to the British initiative of a single market , and argued that monetary integration was necessary to accompany trade integration .

  28. 随着国际经济和贸易一体化的快速发展,不同区域经济体之间的贸易往来越来越频繁,经济全球化的格局逐步形成。

    With further development of world economic integration and trade globalization , economic and trade exchanges between different places among the world is more and more frequent . Economic globalization is taking shape .

  29. 当然,在东南亚建立贸易一体化和货币联盟的必要性早有论述,并且也有充分的政治理由来建立这种联盟。

    Of course , much has been said about the need for trade integration and Monetary Union in Southeast asia , and there indeed may be good political reasons for embarking on such a journey .

  30. 在不断追求全球贸易一体化的道路上,有两种并行发展的潮流值得我们关注,这就是区域经济一体化的飞速发展和世界多边贸易体制的艰难前行。

    In continuing to pursue the global trade integration , we note there are two parallel trends of development , the rapid development of regional economic integration and the hard forward of the multilateral trading system .