
  • 网络Board of Trade;Hungarian Investment and Trade Agency;TTB;FIFTA
  1. 此外,他又在温哥华贸易局和港加商会联合举办的酒会上发表演说。

    He also delivered a speech at a reception hosted by the Vancouver Board of Trade and Hong Kong-Canada Business Association .

  2. 她又以嘉宾身分,出席了温哥华贸易局一年一度的董事周年聚餐会。

    She was the guest of honour at the Governor 's Banquet , an annual event of the Board of Trade .

  3. 目前,英国公平贸易局(officeoffairtrading)已扬言要将四大交由英国竞争委员会(competitioncommission)审查。

    The office of fair trading has now threatened the big four with being referred to the competition commission .

  4. 自从离开英国公平贸易局(OfficeofFairTrading)以来,我就开始研究小企业获得金融服务的途径,因此我认为这类银行在小企业账户方面应该具有优势。

    Since leaving the Office of Fair Trading , I have examined access to finance for small businesses , so I thought these banks would be well-placed for small-business accounts .

  5. 台湾国际贸易局(BureauofForeignTrade)预计,若服贸协议成功,台湾每年的本地生产总值(GDP)可能上升0.5个百分点以上。

    However , the island 's Bureau of Foreign Trade estimates that Taiwan 's annual gross domestic product will likely rise by more than half a percentage point under the trade pact .

  6. 据台湾国际贸易局(BureauofForeignTrade)的数据显示,服务业产值相当于台湾GDP的近70%,就业人数占总就业人数的60%以上。

    The service sectors account for nearly 70 % of Taiwan 's GDP and employ more than 60 % of the island 's workforce , according to the Bureau of Foreign Trade .

  7. 任何试图这么做的公司都会被迅速告到英国公平贸易局(officeoffairtrading),更别说顾客也不太可能赞成这种做法了。

    Any company that tried it would be hauled up before the office of fair trading in short order , not to mention the fact that customers would be unlikely to approve .

  8. 笔者在实地走访陕西省经济贸易局和陕西海关并搜集大量的原始统计资料的基础上,运用Excel和SPSS软件,整理、分类形成本文的分析数据。

    Used the software of Excel and SPSS , the writer get the data from sorting and classification the original and basis statistical information by visiting the Shaanxi Economic Trade Bureau and the Customs Excise Department .

  9. 1819年,托马斯・史丹福・莱佛士(SirThomasStamfordRaffles),一名英国东印度公司的官员,和柔佛苏丹签定一项条约,将新加坡作为一个贸易局和殖民点。

    In1819 , Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles , a British East India Company official , made a treaty with the Sultan of Johore and established Singapore as a trading post and settlement .

  10. 资料来源:我国经济部国际贸易局。

    Source : Bureau of Foreign Trade ( BOFT ), ROC .

  11. 由贸易局签发输入许可证。

    Import permit issued by the Bureau of Foreign Trade .

  12. 赵:英国国际贸易局的主要职责和目标是什么?

    Zhao : What are the main function and targets of BTI ?

  13. 他是英国驻苏联的贸易局局长。

    He was chief minister of the British Trade Mission in Murmansk ...

  14. 我们的对外贸易局在这方面要尽很大的努力。

    Our department of trade with outside areas must make a great effort in this connection .

  15. 此外,英国公平贸易局承认,无法证明学校共享信息与学费高涨之间存在关联。

    Moreover , the OFT admitted there was no provable link between the information-sharing and soaring fees .

  16. 我先生是贸易局局长,我们待在这里有14个月了。

    My husband 's the British trade minister and we 've been here for 1 4 months .

  17. 预计,公平贸易局将努力取缔那些未能遵守透明度新规的贷款机构。

    It is expected to try to weed out lenders that fail to comply with new rules on transparency .

  18. 军品出口合同签订后,应当向国家军品贸易局申请审查批准;

    The signed military export contract shall be submitted to the State Bureau of Military Products Trade for review and approval .

  19. 进出口公平贸易局如认为必要时,可以自行决定举行听证会。

    The Import and Export Fair Trade Bureau may , when necessary , decide to hold a hearing of its own accord .

  20. 国家军品贸易局是国家军品贸易管理委员会的办事机构,负责处理日常事务。

    As the administrative arm of the SACMPT , the State Bureau of Military Products Trade is responsible for handling day-to-day affairs .

  21. 外经贸部指定进出口公平贸易局负责实施本规则。

    The MOFTEC designates the Bureau of Fair Import and Export Trade to be responsible for the implementation of the present Rules .

  22. 四月间,陈方安生应温哥华贸易局及港加商会的邀请,出访温哥华。

    In April , Mrs Chan visited Vancouver at the invitation of the Vancouver Board of Trade and the Hong Kong Canada Business Association .

  23. 但涉及国家秘密、商业秘密或个人隐私的,进出口公平贸易局决定后可采取其他方式举行。

    While the hearings involving State secrets , commercial secrets or personal privacy may be held in other ways upon the decision by the Import and Export Fair Trade Bureau .

  24. 符合军品出口合同规定的,国家军品贸易局应当自收到申请之日起5日内签发军品出口许可证。

    The State Bureau of Military Products Trade shall issue military export licenses within five days upon receipt of the application to those requests that conform to the military export contract specifications .

  25. 原产地证明书及外货复出口原产地证明书之格式,由贸易局依各项货品或用途之需要分别定之。

    The formats of the certificate of origin and those of the certificate of re-export shall be ordained by the boft , according to the different needs of specific commodities or functions .

  26. 本邮件与经济部国际贸易局业务无关之内容,不得视为本局的立场或意见。

    Any information in this email which does not relate to the official business of the Bureau of Foreign Trade ( BoFT ) shall be deemed as neither given nor endorsed by BoFT .

  27. 世界银行国际贸易局局长尤里•达杜什说,全球经济放缓有可能将注意力从全球贸易谈判取得快速进展的必要性上转移开。

    Uri Dadush , Director of the Bank 's International Trade Department , says that the slowing global economy threatens to distract attention from the need for rapid progress in global trade talks .

  28. 受托机构办理配额管理所需经费,由经济部国际贸易局编列预算支应。但处理配额之所得未缴交国库者,不在此限。

    Operational expenditures spent by organizations entrusted with quota administration shall be compensated by BOFT through its budgetary procedure except those spent on the administration of quota of which proceeds are not turned to the treasury .

  29. 我们打算这样使用:一百万供给红军作战费,两百万借给合作社、粮食调剂局、对外贸易局做本钱。

    We plan to use it in the following way . One million will be allotted for the Red Army 's war expenses , and two million will be loaned as capital to the co-operatives , the Bureau for the Regulation of Food Supplies and the Bureau of External Trade .

  30. 两年前,香港贸易发展局(TradeDevelopmentCouncil)问我是否愿意为推广英文图书做一点事。这在我是从未有过的尝试。

    I was asked by the Trade Development Council a couple of years ago if I might do something to promote English books , which had not been done before .