
jīnɡ huá
  • capital of a country
  • capital
京华 [jīng huá]
  • [capital] 国都

  • 誉满京华

  1. 《京华烟云》汉译之文体学研究

    A Stylistic Study of the Translation of Moment in Peking

  2. 《京华烟云》中的习语显性翻译成分

    Overt Translation Ingredients of Chinese Idioms in Moment in Peking

  3. 河南省京华实业公司55户居民营养调查

    Nutritional survey of 55 families in Jinghua Industry Company of Henan Province

  4. “山药和玉米。”陈女士在接受《京华时报》采访时表示。

    " Chinese yam and corn ," Chen told the Beijing Times .

  5. 以前我们曾在(京华时报)上刊登招聘广告.反应不错。

    I ` ve had good responses from the Beijing Times ` help-wanted ads.

  6. 民族文化的承载者与传递者&小议《京华烟云》中文化负载词的翻译

    On the Approaches to Translating Culture-loaded Words in " Moment in Peking "

  7. 《京华烟云》的文化传输策略及其原因分析

    The Tactics of Cultural Transmission in Moment in Peking and Its Analysis of Reasons

  8. 从目的论看汉英翻译中的文化传输&兼评《京华烟云》中的翻译策略

    On cultural transmission from the Skopos theory

  9. 从目的论角度看《京华烟云》中的民俗翻译

    A Study of Folklore in the Translation of Moment in Peking-from the Perspective of Skopos Theory

  10. 《京华时报》近期一篇文章就对崇拜高考状元的价值提出了质疑。

    A recent article in the People 's Daily questions the value of worshipping gaokao champions .

  11. 双低油菜品种京华165丰产栽培技术试验示范研究

    The Test and Demonstration Research in'Jing Hua No.165 ' - Double-low Rapeseed with high-yield cultivation technique

  12. 《京华时报》报道称:几个世纪以来,其中有1200英里已经消失了。

    Of that , 1,200 miles has melted away over the centuries , the Beijing Times reported .

  13. 据《京华时报》报道,北京拟立法禁止生产销售地沟油。

    Beijing will ban the production and sale of " gutter oil ," the Beijing Times reported .

  14. 《京华时报》报道称:“几个世纪以来,其中有1200英里已经消失了。”

    Of that , 1200 miles has melted away over the centuries , the Beijing Times reported 。

  15. 京华产业集团跨国并购英国约翰逊安全有限公司分析报告

    The Analysis Report of International M & A between Jinghua Group and English Johnson Security Co. , Ltd

  16. 京华公司在澳大利亚拥有设计部门及研发部门,捕捉世界的流行潮流及最新理念。

    KINHWA company has design and development office in Australia , aiming to capture new trends and concepts .

  17. 京华提花图样设计系统

    Capital Pattern Design System

  18. 《京华时报》消息,我国明年将首次参与国际比较项目活动。

    China will participate in the International Comparison Program for the first time , in2011 , Beijing Times reports .

  19. 然而,以前关于《京华烟云》的研究很少对它的间接指令行为的使用进行过研究。

    However , previous studies on Moment in Peking pay less attention to research on its use of indirect directives .

  20. 回家前,根据小孩提议,到京华城中城看了一下海狮表演。

    Home before a child under the proposal to the city within a city look at Core Pacific-performing sea lions .

  21. 提供舒适的住宿和优质的服务,京华国际酒店是一个理想的地点里加一个舒适和愉快的假期。

    Combining exceptional location with welcoming atmosphere , this property is an ideal place for a splendid vacation in Riga .

  22. 《京华烟云》是林语堂最有名的著作之一,其有四个中文译本。

    Moment in Peking is one of most famous books composed by Dr. Lin Yutang and it has four Chinese versions .

  23. 京华塑胶有限公司是京都包装属下企业,是一家生产化妆品(彩妆)塑料配件的企业。

    Kinhwa Plastic Industry Ltd. , a subsidiary company of the Kindu packaging , is a manufacturer of cosmetics ( makeup ) plastic accessories .

  24. 《京华时报》报道,国家食品药品监督管理局提醒消费者谨慎使用所谓的“补脑”食品。

    China 's top medical and food quality watchdog has warned customers about the consumption of so-called brain-care food , the Beijing Times reported .

  25. 斯佳丽和姚木兰分别是美国作家玛格丽特·米切尔的小说《飘》和中国作家林语堂的小说《京华烟云》的女主人公。

    Scarlett and Yao Mulan are the heroines in the Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell and Moment in Peking by Lin Yutang .

  26. 据《京华时报》报道,为了抓住扎他车胎的人,高先生在车里连续睡了22个晚上。

    To catch the man who punctured his tire , a car owner slept in his car for22 nights , the Beijing Times reported .

  27. 根据《京华时报》报道,近日,北京故宫内发现了明代(1368-1644年)早期宫殿建筑基址。

    The foundations of early Ming Dynasty ( 1368-1644 ) palace buildings have been found at Beijing 's Forbidden City , Beijing Times reported .

  28. 据《京华时报》报道,考虑到人力成本和油价上升,国内多家快递公司本月开始集体涨价。

    The Beijing Times reports that Chinese domestic parcel service companies are raising prices this month due to rising costs in staff maintenance and gasoline .

  29. 《北京晚报》、《北京青年报》、《京华时报》的核心产品都来自于核心竞争能力&新闻信息策划能力和采编能力,只是各报的核心竞争能力侧重点不同。

    Beijing Evening Beijing Youth and JingHua Times have the same core competition capability-news planning ability , news gathering ability , and news editing ability .

  30. 在两家当地报社--《京华时报》和《新京报》分别于其官网上进行报道之后,这起事件引起了公众的广泛关注。

    The incident received wide public attention after two local newspapers - the Beijing Times and Beijing News - reported it on their websites respectively .