
pèi jìnɡ shī
  • Optician;optometrist
  1. 配镜师会给您配制出一副新的您满意的眼镜。

    The optometrist will work out a pair of new spectacles to your satisfaction .

  2. 格雷斯?比斯旺格是这样一种女主人,她邀请的客人包括配镜师、兽医、房产商和牙医师。

    Grace Biswanger was the kind of hostess who asked the optometrist , the veterinarian , the real-estate dealer , and the dentist .

  3. 这可是最伟大的配镜师验证肯定了的

    It 's been proven by the greatest optometrists .

  4. 配镜师为你提供眼镜,但不检查眼睛

    A dispensing optician supplies glasses , but doesn 't test your eyes .

  5. 2.optometristn.验光师,视力测定者,配镜师我想打电话给你,你妈妈说你还在和你的验光师约会。

    I tried to call you but your mom said you were still at your optometrist appointment .

  6. 专家或配镜师的会诊费。

    Private specialists and optometrists .

  7. 这可是最伟大的配镜师验证肯定了的。不过,这样的轻敲肯定是极其恼人的了。

    It 's been proven by the greatest optometrists . Of course , those taps were extremely bothersome .

  8. 有很多镜头植入可和您的配镜师将讨论与你哪一个最适合您的生活方式。

    There are many lens implants available and your optician will discuss with you which one best suits your lifestyle .

  9. 读着这一连串大数字,人们会觉得有必要预约一位收费不菲的配镜师。

    Reading this succession of large numbers makes one feel the necessity to book an appointment with an expensive optician .

  10. 验光师,配镜师:经过专业训练并领取执照以专门从事对眼睛的视力缺陷、疑难杂症或损害情况进行检查的人,他还负责提供有助视力改善的眼镜或其他类型的治疗手段。

    A person who is professionally trained and licensed to examine the eyes for visual defects , diagnose problems or impairments , and prescribe corrective lenses or provide other types of treatment .