
pèi qì
  • orchestrate;arrange
配器[pèi qì]
  1. 单片机与IBM/PC机硬盘驱动器运配器的接口

    Interface Between Monolithic Computer and IBM / PC HD Driver Adaptor

  2. 系统包括GPS接收机、GPS中频数据采集器、DSP网络通信配器及计算机四部分。

    The system includes four parts : GPS receiver , GPS IF data acquisition equipment , DSP network communication adapter and computer .

  3. 答案是使用轻量级、编配相关的DSL(领域特定语言),它就是PEtALS中提供的“轻量级编配器”或“企业集成编配”组件。

    The answer is to use a light orchestration-specialized DSL ( Domain Specific Language ), which is what the " light orchestrator " or " Enterprise Integration Orchestration " component provides in PEtALS .

  4. 可以在构造函数中设置所需要的装配器,但是当装配器改变时需要返回一个普通ModelMBean。

    I can set the assembler I want in the constructor , but I need to return a normal ModelMBean if the assembler is changed .

  5. 本文采用虚拟技术,基于实时嵌入式Linux平台,把多个物理网络适配器(NIC)虚拟成一个虚拟网络配器(VNIC),通过多个NIC的并行工作来提高网络接口的带宽。

    This paper proposes an innovational method which bonds multiple NIC together as one Virtual Network Interface Card ( VNIC ) based on real time embedded Linux platform , the method upgrades network interface bandwidth with the parallel work of multiple NIC .

  6. 计算机音乐软件在配器课中的创新应用

    The Creative Application of Computer Assisted Music Software in Orchestration Course

  7. 第六节,叙述了主要交响诗作品的配器手法。

    Section VI describes the major work orchestrated symphonic poem means .

  8. 关于液调配器的阻抗匹配算法的研究

    The research for impedance matching algorithm of liquid stub tuner

  9. 勋伯格《乐队变奏曲》的十二音处理与配器技术(上)

    The Twelve-Tone Technique and Orchestration in Schoenberg 's Variations for Orchestra (ⅰ)

  10. 于京君的室内乐配器《图画展览会》之漫步分析

    Analysis of Promenade in Chamber Music Pictures at an Exhibition by Julian Yu

  11. 斯特拉文斯基芭蕾组曲《火鸟》的配器技术分析

    Analysis of Orchestration of The Firebird Suite of Stravinsky

  12. 他们的第三张唱片以更复杂的配器为特色。

    Their third LP featured more complex orchestrations .

  13. 音乐主题在配器中发展

    The Development of Theme in the Orchestra

  14. 关于计算机音乐制作的人性化思考以及对于计算机音乐配器的思考等等。

    Humanization thinking and thinking to music orchestration of the computer about computer music making , etc.

  15. 拉威尔《自然界的故事》钢琴声部写作的配器思维

    The Thought of the Orchestration of the Piano Part of " Nature Stories " by M.Ravel

  16. 西方音乐史中的配器史

    Orchestra History in Western Music

  17. 这段录象是丽塔在浙江丽水为国际摄影艺术节开幕式专门作词、作曲、配器、演唱的歌。

    This video depicts the opening ceremony of Lishui International Photo Festival in Zhejiang Province , China .

  18. 主要课程包括:作曲技术理论、和声、复调、曲式、配器等。

    The main courses include Theory of Composition , Harmony , Polyphony , Musical Analysis and Orchestration .

  19. 第二章:对施万春音乐创作的和声手法、配器手法和音乐结构处理等创作特征进行探讨。

    The second chapter discusses the characteristic of his harmony technique 、 orchestration and music structure Processing .

  20. 文章从歌剧《图兰朵》的人物塑造与剧情安排、和声与配器等方面分析了歌剧《图兰朵》的艺术特色。

    This essay makes an analysis on aspects of figure-creation , plot-arrangement , harmonic and orchestration in .

  21. 从教学看,钢琴曲改编是学习配器的必由途径。

    An important aspect of the orchestration course was the practice of arranging non orchestral music for orchestra .

  22. 在交响曲创作上,柴科夫斯基在旋律写作、标题音乐、配器方面都有了新的发展。

    Relating to the creation of symphony , Tchaikovsky made development on melody composing , title music and orchestration .

  23. 配器:二胡,民谣钢弦吉他,古典尼龙吉他,钢琴,爵士低音贝斯,爵士鼓组。

    Instruments : Erhu 、 Stell Guitar 、 Nylon Guitar 、 Piano 、 Dub . Bass 、 Jazz Drum .

  24. 艾灵顿是一个不仅只对旋律感兴趣的作曲家,他也对和声、节奏和配器感兴趣。

    Ellington was a composer concerned not only with melody , but with harmony , rhythm and instrumentation too .

  25. 分别从调式、和声、动机与主题、旋律、节奏、配器六个方面分析与研究。

    From mode , harmony , motives and themes , melody , rhythm , orchestration and analysis of six studies .

  26. 第一章从宏观的角度&乐队编制来分析朱先生交响曲管弦乐配器技术的特点;

    Chapter 1 analyzes the characteristics of orchestration technique on his symphonies from the macroscopic angle & the establishment of band .

  27. 配器:梆笛,琵琶,民谣钢弦吉他,电钢琴,爵士低音贝斯,民族打击乐器。

    LI > Instruments : Bang Di 、 Pipa 、 Stell Guitar 、 Elec. Piano 、 Dub . Bass 、 Ethnic Percussion .

  28. 那喊声(播音员的一二三四的叫号声),那有节奏的伴奏音乐及配器如交响乐一样优美。

    For me , the yawp of " one , two , three , four ", and the rhythmic accompaniment are as beautiful as symphony .

  29. 我把每种配器用嘴模仿出来,录在磁带上,然后就去找那种乐器。

    What each instrument is supposed to do , I put the them down orally on tape then I go out and find that instrument .

  30. 在音乐分析中,对歌剧中能充分展现人物性格的旋律、和声、配器等要素结合戏剧分析进行总结。

    The analysis on musical techniques sums up important factors in operas that can adequately reveal characters ' personalities , such as melody , harmony and orchestration .