
pèi diàn zhàn
  • Power distribution station;center of distribution
  1. PLC在工厂配电站的应用

    The Application of PLC in Factory Power Supply Station

  2. 基于SCADA的配电站电压无功实时监控

    Voltage and Reactive Power Control in a Distribution Substation Based on SCADA

  3. 提出一种基于SCADA的综合控制变压器分接头和并联电容器组的模糊线性规划方法,进行配电站电压无功实时监控。

    A fuzzy linear programming method based on SCADA and used for the combined control of load tap changer and switching over shunt capacitors bank is proposed , to solve the real time vol / var control problem in a distribution substation .

  4. 介绍了在低压配电站电量监测系统中,ABB公司电力监测部件(PMC916和RSI32)与上位监控计算机之间基于Modbus的数据通信。

    The Modbus based data communication between ( ABB 's ) electric power monitoring modules ( PMC916 and RSI32 ) and the host supervisory computer in the electric quantity monitoring system of the low voltage power distribution station is introduced .

  5. 中/低压配电站设计的新趋势

    New trends in the design of mv / lv transformer substations

  6. 1号火法配电站改造工程设计施工综述

    Review on Reforming Engineering and Construction of No.1 Pyrometallurgy Distribution station

  7. 城市住宅小区配电站设置无功补偿之必要性

    Necessity of Reactive Power Compensation in Distribution Substation of Urban Residential Area

  8. 变配电站五遥&智能化可视系统

    The power distributing station with five remote-controller-An intellectually visual system

  9. 利用皮带廊支架柱架设配电站设计

    Design for Erecting Distribution Station Used of Belt Corridor Prop

  10. 配电站直流系统控制器设计

    Design and analysis of controller in DC system

  11. 模糊线性法用于配电站无功实时监控

    Fuzzy Linear Programming Method To Real-Time Vol / Var Control in A Distribution Substation

  12. 模糊规划在配电站无功电压控制中的应用

    A fuzzy programming approach to the reactive power / voltage control in a distribution substation

  13. 综述了已应用于某煤矿企业配电站“综自”控制的遥测单元的设计与实现过程。

    The paper introduced a product that designed and implemented for the GEA-2000A remote measurement unit .

  14. 终端对配电站的运行进行实时监测和控制,实现无人值守功能。

    The terminal can make real monitoring on substation realize the function of no-person on duty .

  15. 综合自动化技术在烧结厂高压配电站的应用

    Application of the Integrated Automation Technology in the High-Volt age Distribution Station of the Sintering Plant

  16. 针对供、配电站需要对谐波和无功进行综合治理,提出一种新型的有源电力滤波器与直流偏磁式静止无功补偿器构成的综合补偿系统。

    A novel structure of hybrid compensation system is proposed to compensate the harmonic current and reactive power in substation .

  17. 介绍了基于组态软件的小型配电站计算机监控系统的设计。

    This paper introduced the design process of a computer monitoring and control system of small-scale distribution substation based on configuration software .

  18. 本文对变配电站智能监控系统的构成、特点、设计思路及内容进行了叙述,并结合工程实例再现其实时监控、远程控制、事故报警及故障分析等功能。

    And the functions of real-time monitoring , long-range controlling , accident alarm , failure analysis , and so on can be carried out together with project case .

  19. 待拆烟囱的钢筋混凝土基础紧邻对爆破震动极为敏感的配电站和挡土墙,其上方又有重要的架空高压输电线。

    The reinforced concrete base of a chimney to be demolished is near to a distribution station and breast wall sensible to blasting vibration and there is an important high voltage line over it .

  20. 电网调度操作票智能开列系统是发电站、配电站运行管理自动化和智能化的重要方面,实现了电力调度自动化的主要功能。

    Micro-computer Intelligent Plan for Dispatch Commands Generating ( MIPDCG ), as an important aspect of power-plants and power - distribution-stations ' intellectualized management , functions as Dispatching Automation ( DA ) above all .

  21. 嵌入式监控系统是针对中、小型配电站开发的,用于电力设备的监测与能量管理,要求人机界面简单实用、易于掌握。

    The embedded monitoring system is targeted for small power station , it is used for the power equipment monitoring and energy management that requires man-machine interface is simple , practical and easy to master .

  22. 对每种类型的新建小区制定出配电网配变容量和台数的典型设计方案。(4)对开关站和配电站进行典型设计,并与配电网典型设计相衔接和协调。

    Typical designs for all kinds of newly-built residential quarter are analyzed with detail . ( 4 ) Switch station and distribution station are specially designed , which are combined and coordinated with distribution network typical design .

  23. 阐述了馈线自动化处理过程,包括馈线终端装置(FTU)/开闭所终端装置(DTU)、配电网子站、主站以及架空线路的故障处理。

    The fault-processing course of feeder automation is expounded , including FTU ( Feeder Terminal Unit ) / DTU ( Distribution Terminal Unit ), distribution substation , main station and overhead lines .

  24. 配电网子站通讯系统设计

    Set-up Electrical Net Substation Communicate System Design

  25. 采用监控、遥视和闭锁一体化技术,对炼油装置供、配电集控站进行了自动化改造,实现了集中调度和统一管理。

    The integrated control station of power supply and distribution system in oil refining plant was rectified for automatization with the integrated technology of monitoring , remote viewing and interlock , which thereby realized centralized dispatching and unified management .