
pèi diàn bǎn
  • Distribution board;distribution panel;power board
  1. 该模型一共有三级配电板,8个节点。

    This model is consist of three stage switchboard , and 8 nodes .

  2. 麦克格雷迪曾把一个飞行器进行改进,把它和废弃的光电电池伞状配电板装备在一起;

    Mr MacCready fitted one of his aircraft with an umbrella-panel of leftover photovoltaic cells ;

  3. 配电板施工详情见所附1051-220-408号规范及数据表。

    The power distribution board constructional details are indicated in the attached specification no.1051-220-408and datasheet .

  4. 配电板指示灯驱动器电路对地短路

    Panel lamps driver circuit shorted to ground

  5. 总配电板(应急配电板)绝缘电阻测量和保护装置可靠性试验。

    Measuring insulation resistance and reliability test protection device for main switchboard ( emergency switchboard ) .

  6. 某舰船直流电站由双绕组发电机、双绕组直流配电板、推进电机组成。

    The marine DC power station includes double-winding generation , DC distributing board and DC propulsive motor .

  7. 应急发电机和应急配电板能在主电源失灵的情况下维持电力供应。

    The emergency generator and switchboard can keep power supply in case of failure of main power supply .

  8. 我在考虑着配电板的问题,也许我们可以利用磁悬浮技术。

    So , I 've been thinking about the hover boards , and maybe there 's a way we could use maglev technology .

  9. 马桶装有供电的配电板设施,可以唱歌、喷水并加热如厕者的大腿后部。

    The enjoyment is made possible by a switchboard of gadgetry that powers the latrine to sing , spray and warm the backs of your thighs .

  10. 首先,以育鲲轮为基础,分析船舶电力系统的特点和基本参数,介绍育鲲轮配电板的功能、组成,从整体上对船舶电站原理进行分析。

    First , based on analysis of the " Yu Kun " ship power system , and the characteristics of the ship power system analyzed , electric switchboard functions and composition analyzed too .

  11. 主要致力于船舶主配电板、应急配电板、监视系统、航行灯板、分配电板等船舶电气设备的研发、生产和销售以及游艇电气系统设计。

    We focus on wide range service such as design , produce and sell of boat main switchboard , ESB , monitoring system , sailing light board , power distribution switchboard , as well as yacht electric system .

  12. 参考大量远洋船舶电站系统的技术资料,首先计算出系统的短路电流,并根据计算结果与船舶配电保护要求,对配电板的断路器、控制变压器、电流互感器等元件进行选型工作。

    Large numbers of data about ship power stations is referenced . First , short circuit values are calculated . According to these values and requirements of ship power protection , breakers , control transformers , current transformers and other devices of the switch board are chosen .

  13. 主要内容包括:船舶电力系统电源装置的选择;船舶电力系统配电装置设计及安装;配电板的电气原理图设计等。

    The main contents include : ship power system power supply unit selected ; ship power system distribution equipment design and assembly ; electrical switchboard schematic design .