
  • 网络Pub Culture;British Pub Culture
  1. 在因其冷漠而出名的英国社会里,酒吧文化的形成是为了促进社会交往。

    Pub culture is designed to promote sociability in a society known for its reserve .

  2. 英国的酒吧文化和礼仪

    British Pub Culture and Etiquette

  3. 这就是酒吧文化,而美国人欣然接受了它。

    This was lounge culture , and Americans were lapping it up .

  4. 长沙第四届酒吧文化节日前开幕,吸引了众多消费者热情参与。

    The4th Changsha Bar Cultural Festival has been unveiled recently , attracting thousands of consumers'participation .

  5. “蓝莲花”的吊灯很有特色,玲珑精致,古色古香,自然地将中国的传统文化与西方的酒吧文化融合一体。

    Look at the special pendant lamp with Chinese characteristics ! The bar combines the beauty of the east and the west .

  6. 本届活动的亮点在于旅游狂欢节、首届南山酒吧文化节、美食节、购物节四大经典节庆活动。

    The highlights of this year 's festival are the travel carnival the1st Pub festival of Nanshan , food festival and the Shopping festival .

  7. 虽然莫斯科的廉价酒吧文化并不出名,不过寻求平民夜生活的人倒是可以在这里找到几处不错的去处。

    Though Moscow is not known for its dive bar culture , those in search of cheap night life can find a few standouts .

  8. 他不喜欢伦敦南部地区的社会生活&酒吧文化、自吹自擂、轻蔑贬低、种族主义还有暴力。

    He did not enjoy the social life of south London , the pub culture , the bragging , the put-downs , the racism and violence .

  9. 一位人类学家和一组研究人员揭示了一鲜为人知的英国酒吧文化&首先是人们在买酒方面的困难。

    An anthropologist and a team of researchers have unveiled some of the arcane rituals of British pubs & starting with the difficulty of getting a drink .

  10. 内容:正值2010年南非世界杯期间,结合南山特色的酒吧文化,打造游客市民们休闲娱乐的好去处。

    Details : It is also the time of the2010 FIFA World Cup , the pub culture of Nanshan will bring the a good leisure and entertainment to the public .

  11. 一如邦德手中的马丁尼,酒吧文化已被摇动,但绝不会混杂失味。在因其冷漠而出名的英国社会里,酒吧文化的形成是为了促进社会交往。

    Like Bond 's martini , lounge culture has been shaken , but definitely not stirred . Pub culture is designed to promote sociability in a society known for its reserve .

  12. 作为欧洲议会所在地,斯特拉斯堡拥有活力四射的酒吧文化,还有许多改建为优雅旅馆和高端饭店的历史建筑,这个国际都市一年四季都有别样的魅力。

    Toss in the seat of the European Parliament , a lively bar scene and some winningly repurposed historical buildings - now elegant hotels and gastronomic havens - and you have an international city with year-round appeal .

  13. 通过对中国的饮食文化、茶文化与英国的pub(酒吧)文化对比以及中英party交际文化的对比,可看出中英文化习俗的差异。

    It analyses the difference in culture and customs between the Chinese and the British by a comparison between Chinese food culture and tea culture and British pub culture , and by a comparison between Chinese party social activity and the British one .

  14. 三里屯酒吧街和朝阳酒吧文化广场使这里的娱乐生活有声有色;

    The public square uses three li of village bar street and bar culture exposed to the sun here entertainment life is alive ;

  15. 而酒吧的更多,或是,酒吧文化在中国的更多,我们在期待。

    But more than that in the bar or in the bar culture in China is still under our expectation .

  16. 最后一天晚上学校老师戴我们去参观酒吧,在英国的夜生活就是酒吧文化。

    According to some reasons , we had to stay at London for one night and our friends lodge their dormitory for us to live .