
jiǔ guǐ
  • alcoholic;drunkard;tippler;wino;boozer;sot;lush;wine bibber;juicehead;piss artist
酒鬼 [jiǔ guǐ]
  • (1) [juicehead]∶指好酒贪杯的人(含厌恶意)

  • (2) [drunkard]∶喝醉的人,醉汉

  • (3) [lush]∶习惯性醉酒的人

  • 赶酒鬼回家,成为警察的本分

酒鬼[jiǔ guǐ]
  1. “可耻的酗酒行为!”说完,酒鬼不再说任何一句话了。

    " Ashamed of drinking !" The tippler brought his speech to an end , and shut him .

  2. 在他孤身之旅中,小王子会见了各种层次的人,包括一位国王、一个自负的人、一个酒鬼、一个商人、一点燃街灯的灯夫和一名地理学者。

    On his all-alone journey , the little prince meets different kinds of people , which includes a king , a conceited man , a tippler , a businessman , a lamplighter and a geographer .

  3. 我原以为他是个酒鬼。

    I thought he was a bit of a boozer .

  4. 好莱坞电影把我们歪曲成酒鬼、疯子和杀人凶手。

    Hollywood films misrepresented us as drunks , maniacs and murderers

  5. 他们的心中有一个酒鬼应有的样子。

    They have in their mind a picture of what an alcoholic should look like

  6. 在这个国家,烟民比瘾君子或酒鬼要多。

    More people are habituated to cigarettes than to drugs or alcohol in this country .

  7. 他并非货真价实的酒鬼。

    He 's not a real alcoholic

  8. 作者把他父亲描绘成一个可恶的酒鬼。

    The author portrayed his father as a vicious drunkard .

  9. 许多酒鬼一次要狂饮好几天。

    Many alcoholics go on drinking sprees that continue for days at a time .

  10. 这酒鬼又开始胡言乱语了。

    The drunkard began to rave again .

  11. 他变成酒鬼,并且丢了工作。

    He became an alcoholic and lost his job .

  12. 很难让他承认自己是酒鬼。

    It was difficult for him to admit that he was an alcoholic .

  13. 好莱坞电影把我们歪曲成酒鬼、疯子和杀人凶手

    Hollywood films misrepresented us as drunks , maniacs and murderers .

  14. 这个酒鬼朝周围看了看,可是没有一个人影。

    The drunk looks around , but sees no one .

  15. 那个酒鬼是我们社区里可耻的人物。

    That drunkard was the opprobrium of our community .

  16. 男人中最讨人厌的是酒鬼

    Of all men the drunkard is the foulest .

  17. 那个酒鬼又向四周从高处到低处看了半天,可还是什么也没有看见。

    The drunk looks all around , high and low , but can 't see a single soul .

  18. 一群酒鬼男手里拿着啤酒坐在沙发上看球赛的日子已经过去了,如今流行新型的“阿尔塔男”。

    The days of blokes sitting on the sofa watching football with a can of lager in their hand are over , here comes a new breed of men known as alta-male .

  19. 酒鬼顿时有些惊慌失措,甚至恐惧起来,于是他问那个声音:“你是如何知道这下面没有鱼的?上帝呀,难道是你在警告我吗?”

    The drunk is now flustered and somewhat scared , so he asks the voice , " how do you know there are no fish ? Are you God trying to warn me ? "

  20. 一个酒鬼想在冰上垂钓,因此,他整理好钓鱼用具后,便四处去寻找钓鱼场所。最终,他发现了一大块冰,就跑到冰的中心开始锯洞。

    A drunk decides to go ice fishing , so he gathers his gear and goes walking around until he finds a big patch of ice . He heads into the center of the ice and begins to saw a hole .

  21. 它上面有一百一十一个国王(当然,没有漏掉黑人国王),七千个地理学家,九十万个实业家,七百五十万个酒鬼,三亿一千一百万个爱虚荣的人,也就是说,大约有二十亿的大人。

    One can count , there 111 kings ( not forgetting , to be sure , the Negro kings among them ) , 7000 geographers1 , 900000 businessmen , 7500000 tipplers , 311000000 conceited2 men -- that is to say , about 2000000000 grown-ups .

  22. Jon是个酒鬼。

    Jon is a binge drinker .

  23. 由于故事被告知,名叫Jack,谁被以为是酒鬼和骗子臭名昭著的一个男人,欺骗,爬树撒旦。

    As the tale is told , a man named Jack , who was notorious as a drunkard and trickster , tricked Satan into climbing a tree .

  24. 丧子之痛加上妾离之苦让Al无法喘息,他开始斟酒来麻痹自己,最后他成了一个名副其实的酒鬼。

    The hurt and pain of the two situations were more than Al could handle , and he turned to alcohol to help him cope . In lime Al became an alcoholic .

  25. 酿酒厂在禁酒时期(Prohibition)纷纷没落,葡萄酒被认为是贫穷移民及贫民窟酒鬼才喝的东西。

    Wineries had all but perished during Prohibition , and the beverage was considered the drink of poor immigrants and Skid Row drunks .

  26. 不过BBC的新闻主播西蒙-麦科伊此前在播报一条关于酒鬼拘留所的新闻时,手里拿着的东西看上去不太像是科技产品,这也让观众们一头雾水。

    But BBC News presenter Simon McCoy left viewers baffled when he introduced a feature about ' drunk tanks ' by holding something slightly less technical .

  27. 我看到我弟弟Joe成了个酒鬼,立刻毫不留情地正告他,要为妻子和孩子着想,让他立刻戒酒并出去找个工作。

    When I saw my brother Joe turning into an alcoholic , I pulled no punches & I told him to think of his wife and kids , stop drinking and go out and find a job .

  28. 1877年,左拉(Zola)来到这里,借以逃离世人对他的工人阶级酒鬼主题小说《小酒店》(L'Assommoir)的非议。

    In 1877 , Zola spent time here , escaping the polemics directed against his novel " L'Assommoir , " about a working-class alcoholic .

  29. 然后再实验的试验范围中,他创建了一个drunk对象,我把实验数,作为这些酒鬼的名字,从而保证每个酒鬼都是不一样的。

    And then for trial in range number of trials , it creates a drunk , and I 'm putting the trial as part of the drunk 's name , we can make sure the drunks are all different .

  30. 然而相反,ōishi和他的家人搬到了京都,在那里他成了一个酒鬼和花花公子。

    Instead , ō ishi relocated to Kyoto with his family where he became a drunkard and a womanizer .