
  • liqueur chocolate;whisky heart chocolate;Truffle Rhum;chocolate centred with famous Chinese liqueur
  1. 我见了酒心巧克力就忍不住想吃。

    Eg : I can never resist whisky heart chocolate .

  2. 将一盒酒心巧克力礼品式包装

    Gift-wrap a Box of liqueur chocolate

  3. M:是酒心巧克力吗?

    M : Are they liqueur chocolates ?

  4. 汉尼拔.莱克特会大失所望地发现这大块的肉其实是松露巧克力和酒心巧克力奶油蛋糕制成的

    Hannibal Lecter would be gravely disappointed to learn that this hunk of flesh is actually chocolate truffle and rum chocolate butter cream frosting

  5. 烟熏鲑鱼,她们说了,还要水果和坚果,当然也要斯提耳顿干酪和薄脆饼干,还有酒心巧克力等等。噢,妈,一定要买好的,行吗?

    Smoked salmon , they had said , and fruit and nuts , of course , and Stilton and water biscuits and liqueur chocs and so forth , and be sure to get good stuff , mum , won 't you ?