
pèi xué
  • adjunct acupuncture points;matching acupoint
配穴[pèi xué]
  1. 不同配穴针灸对荷瘤CTX化疗小鼠抗氧化系统的影响

    Effect of Different Prescriptions of Acupuncture Points on Anti-oxidation System of Tumor-bearing Mice Receiving CTX Chemotherapy

  2. 针灸选穴:以G4区双(对耳屏内侧)、三阴交双、肾俞双为主穴,辅以随证配穴。

    Choose the acupoints : " G4 " area ( Antitragus-double ), Sanyinjiao ( SP6-double ) and Shenshu ( BL2 . rdouble ) were the main points , modified according to syndrome differetiation .

  3. 结论:合募配穴电针法能明显改善DGP患者消化道症状,疗效超过莫沙必利。

    Conclusion Electric acupuncture relieves the symptom of Diabetic Gastroparesis obviously .

  4. 结论实验表明不同配穴针灸对荷瘤CTX化疗小鼠抗氧化系统的作用有显著差异。

    CONCLUSION Marked difference exists between different combinations of points in their actions upon the anti-oxidation system of tumor-bearing mice receiving CTX chemotherapy .

  5. 随机分为针灸组和穴位注射组,以G4区双(对耳屏内侧)、三阴交(双侧)、关元为主穴,辅以足三里为配穴。

    They were divided into two groups at random : Acupuncture Group and Acupoint-injection Group . Choose the main acupoints : " G_4 " area ( Antitragos-double ), Sanyingjiao ( SP6-double ) and Guanyuan ( RN4 ), with Zusanli ( ST36 ) according to syndrome differentiation .

  6. 郄俞配穴法治疗急性痛症68例临床观察

    Treatment of 68 Cases of Acute Pain with Xi Shu Preseription

  7. 上下配穴法针刺预防产后尿潴留点配法的改进

    Acupuncture of upper-lower point combination for prevention of postpartum urinary retention

  8. 观察不同配穴治疗前后症状及体征的变化。

    The symptoms and signs were observed before and after treatment .

  9. 夫妻配穴法的起源与应用

    Origination and Clinical Application of " Fu Qi " Points Combination Method

  10. 古代中风病针灸处方配穴原则及规律的探讨

    Exploration on Principles and Laws of Acupuncture Recipe treating Stroke

  11. 俞募配穴法针刺治疗子宫内膜异位症的临床研究

    The Clinical Observation of Shu-Mu Acupuncture on Treatment of Endometriosis

  12. 二现代针灸处方配穴规律及原则的研究;

    The study of principle of choosing points in modern .

  13. 两种配穴法针灸治疗手术后肠麻痹疗效观察

    Effect of Two Kinds of Combination of Selected Acupuncture Points on Postoperative Enteroparalysis

  14. 耳穴治疗的配穴思路。

    The combination of acupoints of auricular acupuncture therapy .

  15. 治疗方法采用常规配穴针刺、推拿疗法。

    Conventional treatment with acupuncture , massage therapy .

  16. 头针的常用配穴。

    The combination of acupoints in common use .

  17. 心包俞募配穴协同拮抗作用的临床研究

    Clinical Study on the Synergic and Antagonistic Effects of Pericardial Back-Shu and Front-Mu Point Compatibility

  18. 利用数据挖掘方法对名老中医临床配穴经验的初步研究

    Tentative research utilizing Data Mining in famous eld TCM doctors ' prescription of adjunct points experience

  19. 结论:上下配穴法针刺对产后尿潴留有良好的预防作用。

    Conclusion The acupuncture of upper-lower point combination has a good preventive action on postpartum urinary retention .

  20. 治疗时主穴与配穴同时使用。

    In the treatment , the main points and the matching points are used at the same time .

  21. 目的观察俞募通经配穴法对慢性疲劳综合征患者的治疗作用。

    Objective To investigate the curative effect of channel-unblocking Back-Shu and Front-Mu points prescription on chronic fatigue syndrome .

  22. 提示电针干预时,远端配穴效应优于局部配穴。

    When EA intervention is prompted , the distal acupoints effect is better than the partial one . 4 .

  23. 俞募配穴针灸对慢性浅表性胃炎患者生存质量的影响

    Effect of Acupuncture and Moxibustion of Shu - and Mu-acupoints on the Quality of Life in Chronic Superficial Gastritis Patients

  24. 两组针刺配穴及操作方法相同,常规基础药物治疗相同。

    The acupuncture acupoints and method of operation of two sets were the same , including the conventional drug treatment .

  25. 子午流注原络配穴法治疗运动性损伤及对经络状态的影响

    Effects of Ziwuliuzhu combined selection of the source point and the collateral point on athletic injuries and the state of channels

  26. 电温针俞募配穴法治疗结肠慢传输型便秘的临床疗效观察

    The Clinical Observation of Electrical-warmed Acupuncture with the Method of " Shu-mu Point Allocation " in Treating with Slow Transit Constipation

  27. 根据证型配穴,15天1次,3次1疗程。

    Go together with cave according to the certificate type , 15 days for once , and 3 times one treatment .

  28. 阴阳气血配穴法针刺治疗失眠症及其对多导睡眠图影响的研究

    Research on the Clinical Effectiveness and the PSG of Insomniacs Treated by " Yin-Yang and Qi-Blood Point Compatibility " Acupuncture Theraphy

  29. 其中针刺组采用头体针配穴法治疗;而对照组采用西药脑复康治疗。

    Acupuncture group received the treatment of head and body acupuncture points , and the control group treated with western medicine piracetam .

  30. 方法:将66例病人随机分成头皮针组35例、药物组31例,头皮针组主穴取额中线、顶中线,再根据不同的症状配穴治疗;

    Methods 66 cases were randomly divided into scalp acupuncture group ( 35 cases ) and medication group ( 31 cases ) .