
jīnɡ jù tuán
  • Beijing Opera Troupe;Beijing Opera Group
  1. 然后我们观看了上海京剧团演出的京剧。

    Then we saw a Beijing opera presented by the Beijing Opera Company of Shanghai .

  2. 我们邀请京剧团到学校演出,并和我们分享一些技巧。孔炎泉说。

    We invited a Peking Opera troupe to perform on campus and share some tips with us , says Kong .

  3. 危机之下只能孤注一掷。去年北京京剧团为他们的巡演在大学中做了两则宣传标语。

    Desperate times require desperate measures : The Beijing Opera Studio last year advertised a series of performances in universities with two slogans .

  4. 1949年后长期为大连图书馆书库,再后由大连杂技团和大连京剧团使用至今。

    After a long time for the1949 Dalian library stacks , and then by the Dalian Dalian Acrobatic Troupe and Beijing Opera Troupe has been used .